"Don't worry yourself, Christy," I said dryly. "I wouldn't be using them on you, anyway."

I stood and finished my coffee, crumpling the cup and throwing it into the trash can.

Nick, one of the staff physicians, let out a guffaw of laughter. He held up his cup of coffee to me in a toast and took a drink.

I glanced at Christy, who crossed her arms and harrumphed.

Then I left the room.

I went right to my office and sent off an email to my supervisor, tendering my letter of resignation. I read it over once, changed some wording, and then sent off the email, hoping that I wasn't making a mistake

When I was done, I went back to the medical ward to see my mother.

Chapter 11


Drake didn't arrive back home until after eight in the morning.

I woke up at six thirty, surprised that Sophie was still asleep. At first, I had a bit of a panic attack, because she had been waking up every night at around three a.m. and coming into bed with me, but she slept through the night. I lay in the bed all alone, and worried first about Sophie, until I heard her babbling softly to herself over the baby monitor, and then I thought about Drake.

Where was he?

I realized that he was probably at the hospital visiting his mother. I sat up in bed and grabbed my bag, removing my cell to check for a text from him. Sure enough, there it was.

DRAKE: Staying for a while at the hospital to watch my mom. Will be home for breakfast, unless things take a turn for the worse. If so, I'll let you know and will probably have breakfast at the hospital. Love you.

I covered my mouth as a surge of emotion went through me, imagining Drake at his mother's bedside, holding her hand. I had done the same when my mother passed away, so I knew how he must feel, except I knew my mother was dying. She'd been dying for weeks when she finally passed. For Drake, her sickness was sudden and shocking. It had to be even more traumatic, being so unprepared to see his mother again after all that time and then to find out she might be dying.

My heart squeezed for him.

KATE: Take as much time as you need. Sophie and I are fine. I hope your mother isn't suffering. Give her a kiss and hug for me. I love you.

Then I got up and went into the bathroom for a quick pee before going in to get Sophie ready for the day. When I got inside her room, I saw she was sitting up playing with the toy attached to the side of her crib, flipping the roller that made a jingling sound and sucking on her pacifier. She grinned around it when she saw me and held out her arms.

"Good morning, sunshine," I said and picked her up, kissing her chubby cheeks one after the other. "You slept all night."

I took her over to the change table and changed her, then dressed her in a playsuit. As I was on my way to the kitchen with Sophie so we could have our breakfasts, my cell rang. I grabbed it from my bag in the bedroom and checked the call display. It was my father so I put it on speakerphone. I wanted to keep working while I talked.

I'd called my father and Elaine the afternoon before to let them know that Drake's brother had contacted him about his mother. I didn't really feel like being alone, so I'd skipped going to the studio and went to their place instead, having dinner with them so I wouldn’t miss Drake so much.

"Hello," I said, wondering whether it was him or Elaine.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he said in his usual ebullient voice. "How're my two girls? How's Drake holding up?"

"Sophie and I are wonderful, but Drake is at the hospital seeing his mom."

"Oh, that's too bad. She must be very sick for him to stay."

"She is," I said. "He'll be home soon for breakfast unless she's going downhill."

"What are your plans for the day?"

"Sophie and I will spend the morning on the beach and then probably just stay at home while Drake sleeps."

"You know that you're always welcome to come over any time you want. We love to see you and Sophie."

"Thanks, daddy. I know."