What a cruel world it was that little children grew up without mothers...

Sure, maybe some were better off without their mother if she was abusive, but still...

I spent the afternoon hugging Sophie, unable to imagine leaving her. She fell asleep in my arms with her bottle and I let her sleep with me on the sofa instead of moving her to her crib, just because I felt a need to have her with me. When Elaine called, I whispered into my phone, hoping to let Sophie sleep longer.

"Hi, can I text you? Sophie's asleep with me."

"Sure, I'll send you a text."

"Thanks, bye."

I ended the call and read Elaine's text, holding the cell with one hand while the other held Sophie beside me on the sofa.

ELAINE: Just calling to check on you two coming for supper before leaving Sophie with us.

KATE: We're so thankful you agreed. We haven't been alone since our stay at the Ritz-Carleton. Drake's out right now but we'll come by later.

ELAINE: Where's Drake? I thought he had the day off. Don't tell me he's back at the hospital...

KATE: No, Drake is at Maureen's talking to Brenda about Liam.

ELAINE: What's up?

KATE: Maureen wants to go to Indonesia with Chris. Wants to leave Liam behind with Brenda but in Manhattan. Drake wants him to come and stay with us.

ELAINE: Oh, poor Liam! What's the matter?

KATE: Chris is unhappy in the U.S. Maureen doesn't want to stay without him but can't take Liam due to his medical needs.

ELAINE: Oh, dear. Chris just moved back. Poor Liam. I hope she lets Drake take him. Are you okay with that?

KATE: I can't imagine him not coming to live with us! It makes me cry to imagine Liam losing his mother and then moving back to Manhattan when Drake is here. It will make it just that much harder for Drake and Liam to form a real relationship.

ELAINE: I know. Me, too. Poor child. Do you want me to come up and pick up Sophie while you go to your studio? Then you two could come for supper or not – it's up to you.

KATE: That would be so nice of you. I'll talk to Drake about it.

ELAINE: Okay, I'll come by and pick up Sophie.

KATE: Thanks. I'd like to stop by the art supply store and pick a few things up. I wouldn't stay for long. Maybe an hour or so.

ELAINE: I'll see you soon.

KATE: Thanks, Elaine. I appreciate it.

I sighed and put my cell away, slipping Sophie's pacifier back in her mouth when she shifted in my arms. She kept her eyes closed and didn’t wake up when I stood up with her, so I took her to her bedroom and laid her down in her crib, tucking her blanket up around her. She didn’t move a muscle.

Then, I got ready to go to the studio.

After Elaine arrived and took Sophie, I drove into San Francisco. I parked my car about a block from the art supply store, which was in the same neighborhood as my studio, and went inside to check out the supplies. I should have been excited about the trip, but I felt so bad for Liam and there was a bit of a damper on my day as a result. Still, I needed some new paint thinner and brushes, as well as other supplies, so I spent the next fifteen minutes selecting what I needed, gathering them in a basket before going to the checkout.

"Are you a member?" the cashier asked.

"No," I replied. "Is there a membership?"

She handed me a brochure, which explained that members paid an annual fee but got 10% off all supplies. I signed up on the spot. Not that I needed to worry about price, but I wanted to support the store and my $25 was nothing. Plus, it would make me feel like a real member of the community to have the little card and use it when I visited.

I finished the paperwork, paid my fee and then left. On my way out, I saw the flyer about Sefton's exhibition taped to the front window. Apparently, it was a big enough thing that it was advertised even in the local art supply stores.