I kissed the top of his head. "How come you always say the right thing to take me out of my funk?"

He frowned. "Are you in a funk?"

"No," I said, correcting myself. "I was just feeling guilty and wanting to spend more time with Drake alone. It seems we're always too tired to be a couple anymore and when we do feel great, we have Sophia. Don’t get me wrong," I said quickly. "I wouldn't change things, except maybe have a bit more time with Drake."

"It gets better," he said and nodded in understanding. "I remember when your mother and I had you and Heath and I was busy trying to make a name for myself as a district attorney and worked late every night. We barely saw each other for a few years. It was hard. But you and Drake should be able to spend more time with each other by choice. He doesn't have to work. Neither do you."

"Drake has the bad shift that no one else wants so he's awake when Sophie is sleeping and is sleeping when she's awake. It's hard enough for him to spend time with her, let alone with me."

"He can get a different shift eventually. Try to enjoy what you can enjoy and don’t shoot for perfection. It doesn't exist."

"I know," I said, feeling rather selfish for expecting perfection. "I'll try."

We watched as Elaine gathered up the toys and stuffed them into the tote bag and then picked up Sophie and returned to the house.

I took Sophie from her arms and kissed her. She seemed happy and had some color in her otherwise super fair skin.

"Are you staying for supper?" Elaine asked as she put the toys away. "After all that driving, you need a rest. We're having something delivered. Just some seafood and salad from the local restaurant but you two are welcome to stay."

I smiled. "That sounds good," I said and took Sophie in so I could change her and wash the sand off her legs and clothes.

I spent the evening with Elaine and my father, ate a meal with them, and then Sophie and I drove home around eight thirty, after the last rays of sun set across the ocean.

When I got back home, I was able to put Sophie in her crib without a complaint, her toys surrounding her, the mobile on the crib moving around in a circle, a lullaby playing on the tiny speaker. Her eyes were still closed when I left the room and closed the door.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot decaf coffee and stood in front of the picture window, watching the ocean as the sky darkened and the stars began to peek out of the blackness.

My cell dinged, indicating a text.

I picked up my cell from the kitchen island counter and was rewarded with a text from Drake.

DRAKE: Hey, sweetheart. How are you and my favorite little girl?

I smiled and texted him back.

KATE: We just got back from my parents. Sophie is asleep and I'm drinking a cup of decaf and being thankful for the wonderful life I have with you.

DRAKE: I miss you. I'm off tomorrow so I hope the three of us can try to have some fun and enjoy a few days of peace and quiet.

KATE: Sounds good. Elaine said we could leave Sophie there overnight so you and I could have a romantic interlude if we wanted.

DRAKE: That sounds fantastic. Maybe not tomorrow night because I'm sure I'll still be wildly out of sync with your sleep schedule and would probably keep you up all night... wait a minute... ;)

KATE: You could keep me up all night if you want. I won't complain...

DRAKE: I just might plan on it.

KATE: I wait for your plans with bated breath and beating heart. See you in the morning.

DRAKE: I love you, Mrs. Morgan.

KATE: I love you, Dr. Morgan.

I read over our texts and then put my cell away. I imagined Drake sitting in a staff room in the hospital, wearing his scrubs, reading my texts and smiled to myself. He was irresistible in those scrubs, a stethoscope around his neck. I imagined that a number of female staff would be

drooling over him and felt a twinge of jealousy that they would get to enjoy him while I wouldn't. Of course, I had him during the few hours of the day between him waking and going for his next shift. Hopefully, our few days off together would make up for some of the deprivation I felt due to his busy schedule. We'd drop off Sophie at my parent's place overnight so Drake and I could have a romantic date night together.

I could hardly wait...