“Here’s your baby,” she said and we looked and there it was – a tiny blob inside a bigger blob. There wasn’t much to see, and the technician said the ultrasound was done at this stage to determine the baby’s gestational age and make sure everything was in working order. She measured the heart rate and head rump length, and we were finished.

Drake stood up and leaned over me to get a better look and was smiling widely. He caught my eye and bent closer to kiss me.

“There it is,” he said softly. “I can’t believe it.”

“Believe it,” the tech said with a laugh. The small image she gave us was barely recognizable as a human but it was our baby and we were pleased to have it.

I was never so happy to go to the bathroom as I was when I left the ultrasound room and went to the toilet down the hall.

Drake dropped me off at the apartment and went back to work, while I went right to the kitchen and tried to eat something. When I threw up everything, and then lay in agony on the couch for the rest of the day before Drake returned home for the night, I decided I’d take the medicine Dr. McAllister gave me. I didn’t want to have to take medicine while I was pregnant, but I also knew that I couldn’t keep throwing up everything.

I took the first pill the next morning and was surprised that it seemed to work like a miracle. I was able to keep my morning crackers and cup of chicken and rice soup down. I felt better – good enough that I could have a shower and drink a cup of hot tea with cream and honey. It felt marvelous.

I actually sat down at my desk for the first time in weeks and opened my laptop to check my email. There were three hundred and forty-five plus a few dozen in my spam and junk mail folders.

My advisor had already granted me an extension so I could hand in my chapters a few weeks later, anticipating that I’d be sick and tired until the twelfth week of pregnancy and so I was right on time getting back into the swing of things. I was so happy as the day passed and I didn’t throw up once. I even added some toast and honey to my lunch and it stayed down as well.

In an email to my thesis advisor, I wrote that I was back on track and that I’d have something for him in a week if all went well and he was only too happy to oblige me. It was such a relief. I could do this as long as the nausea abated and I could work each day.

Drake texted me during the afternoon to see how I was.

Did you take your meds?

How are you feeling?

I’m worried about you…

I smiled and texted him back, glad to be able to give him good news.

I did take my meds.

I’m feeling much better and even ate both breakfast and lunch! They stayed down too!

Don’t worry about me – I’m back on track! _

That seemed to please him:

YAY! * wipes brow *

Love you. See you tonight.

It was such a huge relief, being able to eat again. I sat at my desk, unable to keep a smile off my face.

Things were looking up. Maybe Drake and I could take a trip to Africa sooner than I thought.



The next few weeks passed with a speed that surprised me. I was busy with cases and despite taking her meds, Kate was still struggling with morning sickness. A week after she started taking it, her morning sickness returned, but it wasn’t as bad as before and that gave Kate hope. Lisa had backed off a bit and for a while, I thought she wouldn't be a problem after all. She’d been just as busy as me and hadn’t bothered me at all beyond being collegial, saying hello and often walking with me down the hallways, or sitting next to me in conferences, but there were no demands.

I was beginning to think all would be well and Lisa had come to her senses.

Sadly, Lisa’s threat became fresh again one day when I went to NYU for grand rounds and she was there, waiting for me outside the break room when I was on my way to my office before our weekly conference.

“You look happy,” she said as we walked down the hallway together on the way to rounds.

Lisa said nothing and waited while I popped inside my office to pick up a file. Then we walked in silence to the nursing station, tension between us. Lisa stood pouting, a frown on her face. The other residents gathered around and the head of the department put the residents through their paces, asking questions on each patient as we made our way around the ward. Lisa was smart, attractive – hell, she was beautiful in a cool hard way. There were a couple of male residents who I could tell were attracted to her but she didn’t seem to want to find someone else. Her attention was entirely on me, when she wasn’t focused on her work. It was truly sad that a woman as accomplished as her was becoming a stalker who threatened to hurt my career.