"But I need to explain—"

"Not now," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

"Please Drake," I said, panic overtaking me, making my knees weak. "I was going to tell you…" I went to the couch and started to sit down, wanting to connect with him, let him know that the picture meant nothing.

"Stop," he said, glaring at me. "Leave me alone. I need some time to think."

"Why?" I said, my heart racing. "There's nothing to think about. I ran into Kurt at the fundraiser, he followed me out of the building and some photographer took that picture when I was telling him to leave me alone. That's it," I said, chopping my hand down emphatically. "End of story."

"You never said anything about Kurt being your," he said, his voice a harsh whisper. "Escort."

"He wasn't!" I sat closer to him. "The paper made that up. I wasn't with him. He followed me out and they took that picture. That's it."

"What time did you get home that night? When I woke up, it was almost 8:30. Dave said you left the fundraiser at 6:00 – with Kurt."

I exhaled in frustration and fear that he'd never understand.

"I did leave at 6:00. I didn't want to stay because Kurt was there. He followed me out. I didn't leave with him. He cornered me, I told him I was with you and was happy, and then I left. I took a cab because the limo driver was away and I wanted to escape Kurt. I got home around 6:15 and you were asleep so I didn't wake you up."

"So you have no proof that you were home that early? Dave said you left with Kurt."

"I didn't," I said, trying to think of who saw me come in to the building. "There's the concierge in the entry. You could ask him."

"God, Kate, do I really have to check with the doorman to know if you're telling me the truth?"

"Why would you doubt me?"

He turned away, as if he couldn't stand to even look at me, his chest heaving. Finally, he turned back, his face pale. "Why would I doubt you? Because you didn't fucking tell me the truth right away, that's why. Dave had to tell me."

"It meant nothing. I didn't want to upset you over nothing. You've been through so much with Liam and the transplant and being sick. You were so tired…"

He shook his head, not meeting my eyes. "Is every fucking woman going to cheat on me?" he muttered, loud enough for me to hear him. "Didn't I pay enough attention to you? Couldn’t you wait until I recovered?"

"Couldn't I wait?" I said. "What do you mean?"

I couldn't stand it any longer. I crawled onto his lap, my arms around his neck, tears in my eyes. He remained stiff, not responding to me.

"Drake, don't do this," I said, my voice breaking. "Kurt means nothing to me. Nothing."

"Did he touch you?"

"What do you mean, did he touch me? He grabbed my arm, he touched my cheek. I didn’t touch him. We spoke for five minutes and I left. Alone."

He said nothing, shaking his head slowly, his gaze moving over my face.

"Did you fuck him? Just for old time's sake?" His face was blank, but I could see something like fear in his eyes. Or pain. Mostly fury, his face blanched, his lips pressed thin.

"What?" I said, pulling back in horror.

"Tell me the truth, Katherine. At least tell me the goddamned truth."

"Do you really, seriously think I'd just fuck some man?"

"Kurt isn’t just some man. He was your lover. I know how these things go."

"No, stop for a moment and think," I said, panic rising in me. "Do you really think I could fuck Kurt? I need to know."

He shrugged, his face blanched. "I don't know. The paper said he was your escort. You left with him. You were home late. You have needs…"