The limo dropped me off at Zone, a bar and club on West 39th in the Empire district. It was sleek and high end, and hosted the Doctors Without Borders fundraiser. I entered the sparkling interior and made my way up to the second floor bar where the fundraiser was being held. There were already two dozen people there standing around in small groups, drinks in hand and a smartly-dressed waiter circulated with trays of appetizers. I saw Nigel's head high above the rest of the people and made my way to his side. When he saw me, he turned away from another guest and his face lit up.

"Katie, my darling girl! Your father said you’d be coming in his place. How good to see you!" We hugged and as usual, he picked me up off the floor and then let me down, kissing both my cheeks. I couldn't help but smile in response to his overly-ebullient greeting.

"Where's that handsome boyfriend of yours?"

"He's at home, suffering from the flu and couldn't come."

"Oh, that's too bad," Nigel said, his face suddenly somber. "Ethan told me about his son and the donation. Shame to find out about him when he's so sick, but so wonderful that Drake was able to help."

I stood with Nigel for a while, grabbing a glass of wine as a waiter passed by. Nigel knew how awkward I was at these events, needing a drink to loosen me up so I could enjoy myself. He knew to stick beside me. About half an hour in, after he'd gossiped about everyone in attendance, telling me who was currently sleeping with whom, who was a secret alcoholic, and who made his money as a slum landlord, it was time to do the check presentation.

The host of the event, Doctor John Donnelly, a pediatrician on the executive board of the local chapter of DWB, took my hand and led me to a spot at the front of the bar with a microphone. Someone with a video camera recorded me handing Donnelly the check, saying a few words of thanks to DWB for their charitable work in Africa and around the world. I glanced down at the piece of paper in my hand, which the driver gave me in an envelope, and read off my father's greetings and words to the group on his behalf.

Once the check exchanged hands, and some flashbulbs went off, I shook Donnelly's hand and went back to Nigel. Another donor took my place and I was glad to return to the background, where I was more comfortable.

I went to Nigel's side and was ready to turn back to watch the next donation, when I noticed a man standing beside Nigel.


Flyboy himself. Kurt Johansen. Former Marine aviator. Volunteer with DWB who swept me off my feet in a heated whirlwind romance a year earlier. Who wooed me with attention, who showered me with pretty words, and who eventually tried to handcuff my hands to the bed frame, and who wanted to play out a game of mock rape and try anal.

A shock went through me that he was there, right beside Nigel, making my legs a bit weak. It wasn't his good looks, although he was handsome, with blond hair below his collar and warm brown eyes, a square jaw to rival Drake's and hip black clothes. It was seeing him again after so long and after such an embarrassing break up.

I'd been a fool, breaking up with him in a fit, and then calling him and texting him over and over, apologizing for my behavior and almost begging to have him back despite everything. Not one of my more stellar moments.

I'd been depressed for a year after my return from Africa, and being with Kurt was exciting. I finally felt something with him, slowly opening up again after shutting down. But I wasn't ready for him and his attempts to introduce BDSM into our relationship.

He caught my eye and smiled. "Kate," he said, his voice warm and affectionate. He moved closer to me and looked like he was ready to embrace me. "It's been far too long."

I forced a smile and stepped away quickly, comple

tely unnerved. All I could think of was escaping as soon as possible. I did not want to have to talk to him and moved a little closer to Nigel.

"Sorry to have to leave so quickly," I said to Nigel, speaking up a bit over the clapping for the next donor. "I want to get home. You can understand."

"Leaving so soon?" Nigel said, wagging his eyebrows. "I completely understand, love. Take care and give me a call before you two leave."

"I will," I said and leaned up to kiss his cheek. I nodded to Kurt and then made my way past the other guests to the stairs. On my way out, I caught sight of Dave Mills talking to someone. He caught my eye briefly and smiled, but he was deep in conversation so I didn't stop to say hello, intent on escaping Kurt. After getting my coat, I made my way out of the club. Just as I thought I'd escaped having to talk to Kurt, he caught up with me at the bottom of the stairs to the street. He took my arm and stopped me.

"Running away without even saying hello?" His face sent me back to the time we spent together and how much I once wanted him, despite my fears. I didn’t feel that way any longer – Drake was everything I wanted in a man. But I could see why I was so smitten with Kurt when I first met him. He had this animal magnetism, tall, well-built, sexy with his tousled sun-bleached waves, his demeanor exuding warmth, his voice deep and smooth.

"I have to leave…" I said, not wanting to have to deal with him.

"It's been a long time since we spoke. I've missed you."

"Look, it's nice to see you, but I really have to go," I said, pulling my arm out of his grip. He let go and held his hands up as if signaling he wasn't trying to stop me.

"Aw, come on, Katie. Have a drink with me for old time's sake. We can catch up. I've been over in Africa for the past few months. It's nice to see a familiar face. Besides, you broke my heart, you know."

I frowned. "I didn’t break your heart. It was the other way around."

"You told me to fuck off and find someone else to push around, if I recall…"

"And then I apologized and tried to explain but you never returned an email or phone call."

"I was crushed. You made me feel like a monster. I knew that if I went back to you, you'd break up with me eventually because that was me – dominant, controlling."

"I was so," I said, struggling for words. "So naïve back then. I really didn’t understand myself or what was happening between us."