take over on such short notice, but it's my son."

"You must enjoy teaching," Elaine said, as if trying to change the subject.

"Love it," Drake said, squeezing my hand. "I love teaching almost as much as doing. I love to watch students develop their skills, discover new knowledge, improve. And Kenya has a severe shortage of neurosurgeons, so this is important work getting more students to graduate. I'll get privileges and will be on call in the ER and scheduled surgeries. I'll be really busy, but hopefully not too busy or Kate will get really bored." He turned to me. "But she's started painting again, so maybe we'll get her some studio space and she can work on a collection while we're there."

I smiled, warmth spreading through me that he would suggest it.

"Thank you," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

My father turned to me, a smile on his face. "Well, that's just great," he said. "I'd love to see some new work from you, sweetie. What are you working on?"

I felt a blush spread over my cheeks. I couldn't really tell them. A nude of Drake? I'd die if my father saw it.

"It's a secret," I said. "A gift."

"For Drake?"

I shook my head "No, for me."

"Be mysterious," my father said, shaking his head. "I can't wait to see it, whatever it is."

Elaine and my father looked so pleased, smiling us as we sat together on the couch, his arm around me, me snuggled in his embrace.

As I sat and listened to Drake talk about his position with the hospital in Nairobi and the College of Medicine, it struck me again how much older he was than me, how much more experience he had in everything. He was a professor and I was literally his student. He'd been teaching me about D/s since he found out I was the student who wanted to learn about BDSM for a paper. He really did love to teach, explaining everything about D/s, teaching me about myself in the process.

With his arm around me, the warmth of his body seeping into me, and the prospect of moving to Kenya with him, living with him, I felt completely and totally possessed. It surprised me just how much that prospect pleased me.

I felt completely safe with Drake. Even if he wanted to do things that I wasn't completely sure about, like the role playing, mock rape and anal, I knew I could trust him to go only as far as I could stand and no farther. It wasn't that he was a gentle Dom who was into control and not pain; it was that he really truly wanted to see me fulfilled in whatever form of submission made me the most happy.

Our meal was catered and it was delicious – something pretty simple but tasty – chicken stuffed with feta cheese, asparagus grilled with garlic, fingerling potatoes roasted with rosemary. There was a light dessert of fruit and Crème Br?lée and plenty of white wine to accompany it. Drake moderated his drinking in comparison to the previous night for he had to go out and meet Maureen at the hospital. I had a bit more than I would normally have, enjoying myself so much I let my father fill my glass twice.

Drake watched me, smiling. While my father went to answer his cell in private and Elaine went to the kitchen to make some tea, Drake reached over and stroked my cheek. "You're flushing from the wine. You look very alluring. I wish I could take you home right now, instead of going to meet Maureen. Later," he said, his voice low, sexy. "We'll do something special."

That sent a thrill through me. I felt a bit deprived, having not had sex for two days.

When it was time for us to leave, we said our goodbyes to my father and Elaine and Drake led me down to the parking garage where the car was, me laughing when I tripped against him.

"You and high heels," he said, amusement in his deep voice. "I'll have to make sure you always wear them when we go out so you'll remind me of our first meeting in the bar."

Drake helped me into the car and buckled my seatbelt for me. I sat like a lump and let him look after me, smiling when he adjusted the shoulder belt, giggling a bit when his hand brushed my breast. His eyes met mine. "You're drunk, Ms. Bennet. I will have to find a way to take advantage of you tonight."

"Mmm," I said, closing my eyes, a thrill coursing through my body at that promise. "I like it when you take advantage of me."

"You'll be an even easier lay, with all that wine in you."

"An easy lay?" I said with mock-affront. "May I remind you that you went to a lot of effort to finally succeed in ravishing me?"

He laughed and went around to the driver's side. "I did go to a lot of effort. You're worth every ounce."

We drove back to the apartment in Chelsea and Drake helped me up, taking off my coat and heels, and carrying me to the living room. After depositing me on the couch, he went to the kitchen, poured a tall glass of water for me and gave me two aspirin.

"Take these," he said, handing them to me. "Drink up. I'm going to fuck you when I get back from seeing Maureen. I want you wide awake and responsive. No falling asleep or I might have to spank your cute little round ass."

I leaned my head back against the couch. "I didn't like it when you spanked me at the dungeon party," I said. "I thought I might like it, but I didn't."

"That was a punishment spanking. It's not supposed to feel good. I'm glad you don't like it. We would likely never have clicked if you had enjoyed it."

I nodded, fighting to keep my eyes open. I drank down the water and took the aspirin.