I grinned, still not entirely comfortable walking around nude. When he left the bedroom, I grabbed one of his shirts from the closet and pulled it on. I followed him to the kitchen where he stopped at the window and grabbed his cup of coffee, drinking down the last drops. I threaded my arms around his waist from behind. "I look forward to our morning surprises."

"Here at Morgan Enterprises, we aim to please, Ms. Bennet" he said and chuckled, pressing his butt against me. "But I just can't offer my services this morning."

"So you did you read those books," I said, with mock surprise.

"What books?" he said, feigning innocence. He turned to face me again. "You mean, Dale Carnegie on how to win friends and influence people?"

"You know very well what books."

"The first one. I think pretty much every Dom I know read some, to see what the public might learn about the lifestyle."


"I claim the Fifth," he said. "Romance isn't my thing. But I will say I have several things in common with the hero."

"Such as?"

"Well, for starters," he said. "One very inquisitive sub who asks a lot of questions and who makes him lose control of scenes because of her impertinence..."


"But I'm an old man compared to him, and not a self-made boy genius billionaire so you must be disappointed."

"Oh, terribly," I said and kissed him, not at all disappointed and he knew it. The kiss was warm and soft, his arms squeezing me, pulling me closer. When he ran his hands up my back, he ended the kiss and pulled away, frowning.

"What's with the shirt? I thought I made it clear that I wanted you to always be naked when we were alone here."

I laughed. "In case you didn't notice, what with your incredible hotness and all, it's cold in your apartment. But you'll keep me warm," I said and pulled him against me firmly.

"You'll make me late if you keep that up," he said playfully.

"That's the idea…"

"If I had time, I'd say yes," he said. "You all hot and bothered is

my greatest desire. But I can't this morning."

"How long will you be?"

He rocked me in his arms for a moment. "It should take about an hour. Then I have to go to the Foundation and do some paperwork, and then I have to drop in at the business office to sign some papers. If the meeting this morning doesn't take too long, I should be back for dinner. Then I want us to meet back here."

He left me standing in the kitchen.

Later, while I fixed a second cup of coffee, my cell rang. It was my father. I was glad he called as I had meant to call him and let him know the news.

"Hey, sweetie," he said, using Facetime. He was at his desk as usual. "What's up?"

I told him about Liam, recounting the call Drake had received and the events of the previous evening.

"Oh, that's terrible," his voice betraying genuine concern. "How's Drake taking it?"

I sighed, remembering Drake's response.

"As well as could be expected," I said, a catch in my throat. "He's shaken. He's going to be tested this morning to see if he's a tissue match and can donate his stem cells. He's willing to do anything to help Liam."

"Of course he is."

I told him what Drake had told me about the whole transplant preparation.