He frowned. "No, Kate. I'm serious. When you're mine, I own all your orgasms. No masturbation unless I'm watching. Do you understand?"

It wasn’t that I was really thinking of masturbating. "I can't masturbate unless I'm with you?"

He nodded, his expression serious. "I thought you understood. You're mine sexually. Would you like it if I was to masturbate when we're apart or would you prefer that I save it all up for you?"

I shook my head. "No. I understand. I was kidding."

He exhaled. "I don't want to be overly possessive, Kate. But this is important. I'm very jealous and want every orgasm you have to be mine."

"I understand. I was making a joke, teasing."

He nodded. "In a D/s relationship, there can be no hiding things from your Dom. Anything to do with sex, with our relationship, you have to be completely honest and open with me. You have to trust me and I have to trust you or this won’t work. That means, as hard as it may be at times, complete honesty."

"I'm sorry. I'll try to be as honest and open as I can."

He tucked a stand of hair behind my ear. "I love you, Kate." He kissed me once more, the nice mood dissipated, his frown remaining.

"I love you," I said, warmth for him spreading through me, making my throat choke a bit. "I wish you could stay."

"You know I want you, but we'll have to hold that thought."

"I understand."

"This won't take long. They'll take some blood and then we'll meet in his office. I expect he'll run through the procedures in case I'm a match."

"I hope you are a match."

He nodded, his face grim. "Liam has a very rare mutation. I probably passed it to him. If we're a good-enough match, he'll have the best chance at survival without as many problems with rejection."

"How long before you know?"

He sighed. "We'll try to speed up the process. I know a technician and can probably pay the tech to stay late and run the test. I wouldn't bump anyone out of line. Physicians have these ins with technicians that we can sometimes use when we need fast results."

"If it was me, I'd do the same thing."

"Money talks."

I nodded and slipped my arms around his neck. "A parent will do anything for their child."

He made a sound, like a harrumph of disgust. "Not all of them."

I thought again about his mother leaving him, his father neglecting him.

"You will."

"I will." He stood and pulled on his trousers. "It may be the only thing I can do for him."

I slipped out of bed and stood naked, watching as he finished dressing. When he was done, he pulled me tightly against him.

"I'm sorry to be dragging you into all this. I'm sure you didn’t expect a lot of drama when you signed the agreement, but that's what you've got."

"I signed up to be with you – because I wanted you. I love you, remember? This," I said and kissed him. "This drama comes with the territory."

"I love you." He lifted me up and off the floor, pressing his face in my neck, and it was such a sweet show of his emotions that it made my breath hitch in my throat, and my eyes well up. He kissed me once more, the kiss passionate, needy, and then he let me slide down his body so that my feet were once more on the floor. "Sweet sweet Ms. Bennet with the overly-big heart."

"Sweet sweet Drake who can't keep his potatoes from mixing with the gravy." I smiled up at him and brushed a hank of his too-long and wild hair from his face. "I wish you didn’t have to leave."

"Me too, especially with you looking like that."