"Do you have time to eat?" I asked, following him into the entrance.

He grinned. "Ms. Bennet, you know I love to eat you, but I told you I have to run…"

I laughed. "I meant food."

He shook his head and opened the closet. "No. I'll pick up something at the cafeteria after my appointment." After he pulled on his coat and boots, he bent down and kissed me once more. "You are so delicious looking, all naked and beautiful. I hate to leave you, but think of me while I'm gone. Imagine it."

Then, he left, pulling the door closed behind him.


After Drake left, I pulled on my robe and went right back to the drawing, anxious to work on it. I sat at the kitchen table and filled in detail from memory, adjusting the shadows to capture the weight of his body on the bed, the fall of light and dark over his muscles, the square edge to his jaw, and the soft lips, which were slightly parted in sleep. I could see the resemblance to Drake and was glad I had been able to capture his likeness despite the fact his arm covered those beautiful eyes.

Thinking of what was going to happen later, combined with drawing of him nude, put me in a semi-aroused state. By the time I looked at the clock, it was almost noon and I'd forgotten to eat. I made myself a brunch of a poached egg on toast, orange juice and coffee. Then, I sat back at the table and worked on the drawing.

Later in the day, after I'd worked on a few separate sketches, trying to figure out the detail in his chin and the way the shadows fell over his neck, I put the sketch away. I had a shower and washed myself thoroughly, wanting to be clean and fresh for Drake when he arrived. After I was finished, I brushed my teeth and blew dry my hair. I applied only the lightest bit of makeup – some mascara and a bit of lip gloss, and then I walked around the apartment, naked, anticipating his call.

Impatient for his return, I stood at the window and watched the street through the gauzy curtain, eager to see his car arrive and turn into the parking garage down the street where he kept his car.

Then, when I was checking my hair in the bathroom mirror, my cell trilled. A surge of excitement filled me, making my heart flutter. I ran to my cell and picked it up. It rang again and then stopped. The call display read Drake Morgan, MD.

I put the phone back into my bag and then went to the bed, laying back on it, my thighs spread wide as Drake demanded. I was so thoroughly aroused by then I knew I'd be wet enough to please him. In fact, I ached, my flesh already throbbing, butterflies in my stomach as I waited for him to arrive.

I heard the key in the lock, heard the barrel turn and the door creak open. Then, rustling in the entryway as he removed his coat and boots, threw his keys on the plate in the entry. He appeared in the bedroom doorway, his expression dark, intense.

"Good girl," he said as he strode to the side of the bed, pulling off his suit jacket, and loosening his tie. He removed it and threw it on the chair against the wall and then unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt. "Let me see how wet you are, Katherine." He bent down, resting a hand on the bed between my thighs, his face close to my pussy. I felt a mixture of lust and embarrassment as he examined me, a slow smile starting on his lips, which he then squelched, frowning up at me.

"Did you touch yourself?"

I shook my head, barely able to speak. "Only in the shower and to wash myself."

He nodded, a stern look on his face. "Good. I want to watch the first time you do touch yourself for pleasure."

I moved my hand down but he shook his head. "Not yet. I want to look at you like that, all open and waiting."

I pulled my hand back and let it fall beside my head on the pillow. Drake removed his clothes and stood naked by the bed, his already stiff erection jutting out, the head shiny with fluid.

"Touch yourself," he said, his voice husky with desire. "Watch me the entire time. Imagine it's my tongue touching you."

I did what he commanded, slowly and softly touching my very hard clit. His eyes were riveted on my pussy, watching every move but he fought to drag his eyes back to meet mine, his nostrils flaring.

"Yes," he said, his voice low. "Exactly like that. Tell me what you'd be thinking if you were masturbating alone."

I was at a loss for words for a moment as I touched myself. I hadn't masturbated for weeks since I'd met him, not feeling the need for my arousal and desire was totally focused on Drake and my need satisfied.

"Tell me what you’d do if I wasn't here and I told you to masturbate and make yourself come."

I swallowed, and took in a deep breath. "I'd think of your body," I said.

"How nice and thick you are. How good you feel inside of me. How good your mouth feels on me, your tongue like velvet."

"Yes?" he said, as if urging me on.

I looked down to see him grasping his erection in his own hand, slowly stroking over its length while he watched my fingers on my clit. He glanced back up at my face and I tore my eyes off his cock, a bit guilty at being caught not looking at his face.

"Keep your eyes on my face, Katherine," he said.

"Sorry, Master," I said, trying to sound contrite.