"Don't worry. My photographer is very trustworthy and maybe we'll use a mask to hide your identity."

We stood looking at the painting, and I felt completely happy, as if finally, I'd found what I was really meant to do. I didn’t know if I could paint anything that would be received critically well, but I didn't think I'd ever done anything that made me happier. Not writing, not research.

Painting. Art. It was my new sense of self, my relationship with Drake making it possible.

"You look pleased," I said, taking his coat and hanging it up for him. "You have good news about Liam?"

"The best. The preliminary tests show that his transplant is taking and there's no sign of rejection, either host-graft or graft-host. In a week, if things stay the same, he'll be in the clear. They'll test him every week for the first couple of months, and then, if he's still fine, every month for a year. I can come back to Manhattan if things take a turn for the worse, but as it is, we can leave next week. I've already booked our tickets."

"I'm so happy," I said and wrapped my arms around his neck once more.

He kissed me and then pulled me into the living room. After he sat on the couch, he pulled me down onto his lap.

"I have a mission for us tonight," he said, his face taking on a dark expression. "I've spoken with the staff on the pediatric oncology ward. They're going to let me visit Liam again while Chris and Maureen are at dinner tonight. I want you to come."

"Drake," I said, doubt about his plan filling me. "Do you think that's wise? The staff were instructed to call the police if you show up again."

"I spoke with Liam's oncologist and he cleared it with staff on the ward. They agree that as his biological father and as the one who gave him the donation, I have a right to just pop in – as a doctor – and see how he's doing. I won't identify myself except to say I was the one who gave him the donation. That's all."

I inhaled deeply, uncertain if this was wise. "Maybe you should talk to my father first?"

Drake shook his head. "Don't want to include Ethan in on this. It's my decision. I've passed it by Liam's doctors. We're covered." He kissed me as if to silence my protests and then he stood up, letting me slide out of his arms to a standing position. "Now, go get dressed. We have a very narrow window of time to get there, get inside, and get out. Chris and Maureen are having dinner with her parents so they'll both be away tonight for at least an hour. One of the nurses heard their plans and let me know.

"If you really want to do this…"

"I really want to, Kate. I want you with me. He's still in isolation because his immune system is still so new but we can both go in. I want you to meet him."

I nodded and went to get dressed, despite my reluctance.

We arrived at NYP and made our way to the pediatric oncology ward, past the bright blue and yellow playroom I remembered from before and to the ward where Liam was staying. Drake stopped at the nursing station and spoke quietly to the nurse behind the desk, who smiled at him brightly and nodded, pointing down the hall, giving us instructions about isolation. Because we were technically supposed to be hospital staff, we had to follow contact precautions, wash our hands, wear surgical masks and gowns, covers over our shoes. It was the only way they'd let us in.

Drake led the way to Liam's room. He was in a single room, the door closed. Through the window, I saw that Liam was sitting up in bed playing with a toy, watching the television that was mounted to the wall. He wore a hospital gown in blue, which highlighted his blue eyes. There was no I.V. nor any oxygen and so he looked like a small frail boy, his head bald, but he was obviously much better than that first time we saw him.

Liam turned when we entered the room. "Hello," he said, watching us warily.

"Hello, Liam," Drake said and went to the side of the bed. "I'm Doctor Morgan. We met a few days ago. I've come by to see how you're doing."

"I'm good," Liam said. He turned to look at me. "Are you a nurse?"

I shook my head. "Just a colleague of Dr. Morgan's."

Liam nodded, his eyes so blue, just like Drake's. His hair had begun to grow in and it was dark, like Drake's. Just a fine fuzz.

"You know, I was the one who gave you the stem cells," Drake said, his voice low. "I just wanted to come by and see if you were doing better. Your doctors said you were almost ready to go home."

Liam made a face. "You gave me the blood cells?"

Drake nodded. "We're a match so I did what I could to help."

"Thank you." Liam smiled. He still had his baby teeth, his smile perfect. Drake extended his gloved hand and Liam took it, and my heart squeezed to see Liam's tiny hand in Drake's. Then Drake leaned closer and ran his hand over Liam's head affectionately.

"I'm so glad I was able to help."

Drake finally let go of Liam's hand and I could see the reluctance in him. Drake's face was hidden behind the mask, but his skin was flushed as if he was overcome with emotion. Despite those emotions, he kept smiling, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

"What's that?" he said, pointing to the toy in Liam's hand.

"It's Bumblebee," Liam said, holding the toy up. "A transformer from the movie. Did you see it?"