I complied, sitting in the warm water. While I sat, he arranged his implements on the vanity. A razor, some shaving cream in a bottle, and an electric wet/dry shaver. He ran hot water in the sink and threw in a couple of washcloths.

"Stand up," he said, sitting on the toilet beside the bathtub. I did, the water dripping off me. He turned on the shaver and he proceeded to shave my pussy and inner thighs. "Spread your legs wide," he said, his voice a firm command.

I did, and rested my hands on his shoulders while he shaved me.

"Put one leg on the side of the tub," he said, pointing to me. I did and that exposed me to him, my cheeks hot with embarrassment and arousal that he was so close, touching me and examining me like that. Then he added more shaving cream and used the razor to get the rest of the hair, between my thighs. Soon, I was naked, my skin smooth.

"Perfect," he said, running a washcloth over the area, then his fingers. He glanced up in my eyes. "Nice and smooth. I can see everything now." He stood and took my hand. "It makes me hard as rock."

A thrill went through me as I imagined what he would do next.

"Now, I'm going to eat you the way I wanted since I first met you, when you were on the bed with your garters and nylons showing. Before I do, I have to apply some of this," he said and pulled out a small bottle of green-looking gel.

"What's that?"

He glanced at me, his brows raised.

"I'm sorry," I said, realizing I hadn't called him Sir. "What's that, Sir?"

"It's aloe vera. It's for your burn. Can't be fucking you roughly if your burns are hurting."

He then proceeded to rub the aloe over my burned skin, my cheeks, my shoulders, the tops of my breasts, the front and back of my arms, my belly, and the tops of my thighs.

"Are you being Doctor or Dom now, Sir?"

"Doctor Dom," he said, cracking a bit of a grin. "Now, stop being so cheeky, Katherine, or I'll have to put you over my knee and teach you about punishment."

I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my huge grin.

"Oh, you," he said and pulled me into an embrace. He kissed the top of my head. "I can see I'm going to get nowhere with you tonight, Ms. Bennet. If you were any other sub…"

"If I were any other sub what?" I said. "Sir, I mean."

"If you were any other sub, I wouldn't be smiling."

"Smiling is good, Sir. I read that it releases good brain chemicals."

"That it does. Now, Katherine," he said and pulled away, his face changing from amused to stern. "No more talking. Time to submit and become my slave as you agreed in the contract."

He took my hand and led me back into the bedroom. We stood beside the bed, him behind me, his lips on my neck and shoulder.

"Close your eyes," he said as he touched me, his voice soft and low, almost a whisper. He pulled my hair away and over to one side, his lips at my ear. "Just give yourself over to me."

I did, trying to relax completely, not thinking any longer, only feeling. His hands were warm on my skin, his lips and tongue soft against my shoulder as he bit me gently. His hands stroked down my arms to my hands, which he took in his, our fingers briefly entwining as he continued to kiss my shoulder and neck. Then, he searched my body with his hands, his fingers sliding down over my hips and across my body, his fingers grazing my naked pussy, just barely touching me. One hand covered my mound completely while the other slid up and over my belly, sending jolts of lust through me, making my breath come faster.

With one hand, he cupped one of my breasts, tweaking my nipple softly. The other hand remained covering my pussy, as if claiming it for his own. An ache began to build in my groin from his touch, and the sound of his voice in my ear, so calm but firm, his tongue sliding up and down my neck to my ear, his breath on my cheek.

After sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled me between his thighs so that his face was at the level of my neck and he just held me for a moment. His hands moved over my naked skin and his touch sent waves of lust through me, my pulse increasing, my stomach full of butterflies. His breath was warm on the skin of my neck, his hands kneading my buttocks, then slipping around and cupping my breasts, tweaking my nipples, pulling them into hard points.

He was just touching me all over, his face in the crook of my neck and I was getting so aroused just from his light touch. I closed my eyes and gave myself over to him, letting him do whatever he wanted, not expecting anything, not feeling any pressure to do anything but respond.

"I told you I was going to use your body for my own pleasure, Katherine, and I'm going to. You're not allowed to come, do you understand?"

"What if I can't help it?" I said, my eyes closed as he sucked one nipple, a jolt of lust rushing through me as his teeth grazed the puckered areola. "Sir," I quickly added.

"A simple yes or no is all that's required."

"Yes," I said, my voice husky. "Sir."