I frowned a bit, unsure if he was warning me or trying to entice me.

"Don't frown," he said, stepping closer. "If you like it now, all I mean is that you'll like it even more when we actually play."

I nodded. "I better change," I said and pointed to my room.

"I'll wait, although I feel like I need to go and jerk off in the bathroom to get rid of this," he said, grasping his still-hard cock, taking my hand and placing it over his length. "But I want to save it for you."

I took in a deep breath, my body responding from the feel of him in my hand.

"I wish I could help you with this," I said, my voice a bit quivery.

"You will. Later."

"You know, I still haven't signed anything."

"You will. Later," he said, grinning.

"You're so sure of yourself."

"No, I'm not," he said, pulling me into his arms. "I'm just sure of what I want." He kissed me, tenderly this time. "I want you."

I sighed and pulled reluctantly out of his arms. "I better freshen up…"

I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair, applying a bit of makeup and then I got my bag. Drake was standing at the window, talking quietly on his cell. When he saw me, he motioned me over and pulled me against him.

"Yes, I'll meet you at 1:30. We can review the slides once before 2:00."

Then he ended the call and put his cell away.

"Business?" I asked.

"Just preparing for our presentation this afternoon at the conference. My colleagues and I are presenting the results of a three-year study on pediatric neuro-electrophysiology. Dr. Marchand and I are doing the presentation at 2:00."

I nodded.

We went to the dining room where my father and Elaine were seated.

"Look who I ran into on the way over here," I said, pointing to Drake.

My father's face lit up like a floodlight. He stood and started glad-handing Drake, who of course, glad-handed back like they were old buddies.

"Drake, how nice to see you again."

"You can cut the act, Daddy," I said, smiling. "Drake already told me you two conspired to bring me here so I could 'get away from it all'."

My father looked between Drake and me and then laughed in his gravelly voice. "Guilty as charged. I confess."

We sat down and had a very nice meal and all the while, I watched my father and Drake talk about business, about the election, about Drake's presentation, about his plans to go to Africa later in the New Year for a stint as a surgeon, about all of us scuba diving later after his presentation. My father had already organized a training session and then a dive at one of the local tourist traps. Drake was already certified as a diver so he was excited to be going with us and eager to escape the afternoon session after his presentation was done.

It felt surreal to think my father was actively trying to push us together. If he knew Drake was a Dominant and engaged in kinky sex with submissives that he tied up and blindfolded, and that he wanted to do those things to me – and that I wanted him to…

I shuddered for a moment to think of the consequences. And that was the real issue. Not whether I wanted him or he wanted me. That was pretty clear already. This thing between us – this intense sexual attraction – if we indulged in it this weekend, I knew it would be next to impossible for us to end it when we got back to the real world.

It would be a really huge risk for Drake. We'd have to be exceptionally careful that Dawn never found out.

I sighed and put my spoon down, my gut in a knot over this. Drake must have heard my sigh for he reached over and took my hand, squeezing it for a moment, and it was so sweet it made my throat choke up a bit. I glanced at my father and he was smiling to himself, as if pleased to see the show of affection between Drake and me.

If he only knew…