Finally, I took out my cell and sat on the couch, checking my email and texts.

There were several from Drake.

Kate, please call me.

Kate, what happened? You were fine when I left you…

Will you at least answer my texts so I know you're OK?

The last one was from just a few moments earlier.

Kate, I'm coming over to talk to you. Please give me the chance to make it right…

If he came over, if I got within arm's reach of him, I knew I’d cave and if Dawn caught wind of me still seeing him, she'd get him in trouble. I grabbed my coat and backpack and left the apartment, rushing down the stairs to the back alley. I slipped along the streets, and then doubled back, going to my favorite deli across from my apartment building, entering from the back door on the alley. I went to a small table in the bay window so I could watch in case Drake arrived. I sat with my cup of tea and kept an eye on the street.

Sure enough, in about ten minutes, Drake's sleek black car drove up. He double-parked and then he left the car and ran up to my building's front door. He was wearing his scrubs and lab coat, a little blue scrub cap still on his head. He stood at the door and jiggled it, but couldn’t get inside. There was no buzzer system so he was out of luck. As I watched, he took out his cell, tapped on the screen and then held it up to his ear.

Seconds later, my cell buzzed. I checked it and the call display read Drake Morgan, MD.

I refused the call, sending him to my voicemail.

My heart sped up to see him, and I felt a real pang of guilt and sadness at what happened but I couldn’t see any way out of it. I had to just end it. I was mortified that I was so careless with the agreement that Dawn found it.

He sat on the steps and just redialed. Again and again. As I watched out the window, he typed on his cell.

At least tell me why you don't want to be with me. What was it? Did the contract scare you? Don't be afraid, Kate. You can strike off anything that you don't want to do. I just included those things that I know probably upset you so you'd have something to cross off. I don't need to do them. I don’t need to do anything that you don’t want to do. I want to be with you.

Please, give this time.

My heart actually hurt as I read his text, like a knife in my chest and my throat choked up. At that moment, I hated Dawn so much…

Drake, I'm doing this for you. To protect you. I can't say anything more but you have to stop trying to see me. You have to just stop for your own good. I can't say more….

I'm sorry…

Then I shut off my phone and watched him. He persisted for a while but then stopped, going to his car and driving off. I bit my lip to stop my tears.

I just lay around my apartment all afternoon, spending time there after Drake left, lying on the couch watching stupid soap operas. Finally, before supper, I walked back to my father's apartment. I went right to my bedroom and closed the door, sad that I was not going to be with Drake. I sat on the bed and just wiped my face as tears flowed, unable to stop them now that I was back at my father's apartment. After a few moments, I heard a knock at my door.

"Sweetheart? Can I come in."

"No," I said, my voice breaking.

"How come? You sound like you need to talk."

"I need to be alone."

The door opened and he came in anyway, sitting next to me on the bed. He put his arm around me and squeezed me, and that only made me cry even harder.

"There, there, doll," he said, grabbing a tissue off my night table. "This Drake misunderstanding has really upset you."

"It's not a misunderstanding. It's just not going to work out."

He just sat with me for a moment as I finally got hold of myself.

"Look, you have some time off next week. I was thinking you should come down to the Bahamas with us for the weekend. Get away from it all. Sun, sand, white beaches, lots of tropical drinks. You've been working like a dog for years, Kate. Some R&R would be good for you. What do you think?"

"When would you want to go?"