To: Morgan, D. L.

Subject: Re: Your Submission

Drake, I read your agreement, but I'm afraid I just can't go through with this. I made a mistake and I'm going to just put this behind me. I'm sorry but this isn't going to work between us after all.

Please don't come over or contact me again.



I stared at the send button. Dawn leaned closer and read over my shoulder.

"Send it now," she said.

I craned my neck and glared at her, angry that she was forcing me, but what could I do? If I didn't send it, she'd get Drake in trouble with my father. Drake said himself he wouldn’t want my father to know.

"I'll send it," I said, struggling not to cry, "but then I want you to go."

"What? Why?"

"You're blackmailing me, forcing me to do this. It's none of your business or my father's business what I do or what Drake does. So you can leave, and don't bother to call me either."

"Kate, he's got you all confused. I'm your friend," she said, jamming her thumb into her chest. "I'm looking out for your best interest. He's only out to get his rocks off."

"You can leave now."

"I'm not leaving until I see you hit send."

I hesitated, wiping my eyes.

"Do it."

I sent the email. "There, I did it. Now, go!" I said, shouting at her.

She stepped back from me, frowning. "You're crazy. He's got you hypnotized or something, like a cult. If I hear you've been with him, I'll call your father."

"Just leave."

She did, collecting her coat and bag, then going to the door. She took a look back at me from the open door and shook her head before pulling the door closed behind her.

I stared at the computer screen, at my inbox, wondering whether he'd reply and if he did, what he'd write. It was just before dinner and he'd probably be in the O.R. until seven and then he had his jam session. He might get the email in between, whi

ch could mean any time between then and eight.

I sat with my head in my hands, waiting. I couldn't drink my tea, for my hands shook and my stomach felt sick. After about half an hour without any reply, I got up and went to the kitchen, washing dishes to keep myself occupied. I got out a bucket and filled it with hot soapy water and scrubbed the floors in the kitchen on my knees with a scrub brush. Then I cleaned the oven and took some Windex and paper towels and cleaned the windows.

I checked my email to find one from Drake, which arrived just a moment earlier.

From: Morgan, D. L.

Sent: November 12, 6:46 PM

To: McDermott, Katherine M.

Subject: RE: Your Submission

I'll be right over.