"We will," he said, and stroked my cheek. "I won't go too far for you. I want this. I don't want to make a mistake with you."

I sighed. "You won't push me tonight?"

He grinned, his expression mischievous. "I won't push. Much. But you have to know that I want you." He leaned forward. "I want to fuck you tonight. I'd love to tie you up and have my way with you, but I know it's too soon. You need to trust me before you can give over your power willingly. But a kiss goodnight would be nice." His blue eyes twinkled.

"I'll consider it."

He paid the check and stood, helped me out of the booth and then escorted me to the coat check. He wrapped my coat around my shoulders, taking the opportunity to nuzzle my neck. And I thought – that was Drake. Constantly reminding me that he wanted me and found me desirable. It was, he was, irresistible.


We drove to my apartment building and the talk was light, of the upcoming election my dad was hoping to win, of Drake's busy schedule practicing with his band. I was still undecided as to whether I'd invite him in. Part of me wanted to. Part of me wanted him to push me, to see how much I could feel just having 'vanilla' sex with him.

Part of me was scared to death.

We walked up the steps to the building's entry and stopped. He stood too close to me, of course, probably hoping to influence me with his animal magnetism. I glanced up in his eyes and he just waited, his eyes half-hooded, the slightest hint of a smile on his mouth. Finally, he sighed.

"Kate, invite me in. Trust me. I won't risk anything with you, given who you are and who your father is."

"You won't touch me?"

He bent down and tipped my chin up with a finger. "I may touch you, but I won't force you to do anything. I don't rape women, Kate. I don't like real resistance. Only the fun kind. The play kind."

"We won't have sex, Drake. I'm not like that. I don't have sex on a first date."

"I know."

"I'm serious. No sex. I'll think about the goodnight kiss."

I glanced at my cell phone to see what time it was.

"Why don't you call Lara and let her know I'm coming into your apartment. Tell her you'll call her in an hour and if you don't call, she should take action. That way, you'll feel safe."

I dialed Lara's cell. It rang three times before she answered.

"Kate, what's up?"

"I'm standing on the front step of my building with Drake. He wants to come in and just talk, and suggested that I call you so you know I'm alone with him. That I'll call you in an hour to let you know things are OK."

"That's good, Kate. By all means, go ahead. Invite him in. I have complete trust in him to keep his word. Call me in an hour. If you don't, I'll bring Bruno and come right over. Tell Drake that, although I know I won't need to."

I turned to Drake. "Lara said if I don't call in an hour, she'll bring Bruno over."

Drake laughed at that, his eyes merry. He took my hand and leaned down to the cell. "Oh, you're threatening to use the heavy artillery. You've never had to use Bruno with me yet and won't have to tonight."


pulled the cell back to my ear and heard laughter on the other end. "Have fun, Kate, and relax. You're in very good hands, and I mean good. You can trust Drake. Call me in an hour."

"Thanks, Lara."

I ended the call and exhaled heavily. "Who's Bruno?"

"Her Rottweiler."

Even I laughed at that. "Come on up."

As we climbed the stairs, I wondered if I should let him in. I didn't really believe I would, and adrenaline jolted through me because this meant it wasn't completely out of the question that we'd have sex. He promised not to force me, but I knew he'd try to seduce me. He'd seduce me with his words and with his touch. In the back of my mind, I realized I let him in because I wanted what happened between us at the concert hall to continue. I liked his touch. I wanted him to touch me. I just wasn't sure about the sex part. That was too intimate, and we weren't intimate enough yet for me to let him in.