"Goodbye, Dr. Morgan."

"Good night, Ms. Bennet."

I rolled my eyes and suppressed a smile.

He texted me before I barely even had a chance to get my coat off.

You seem surprised that I like poetry. What you must think of me… I'm not a Neanderthal, Kate. Write up an agreement between us. Whatever you want. Include as much detail as you feel is necessary. I'll honor it to the letter. Your father would be only too pleased if we were to date and that can be our cover.

At least he thinks I'm a decent sort…

I texted him back a single line.

Imagine how surprised he'd be to find out how wrong he is…

That would hurt and I knew I was being a bitch, but I couldn't help but respond that way to his faux injured tone…


I smiled, but a part of me felt bad. He seemed to really like my father.

After I got into my pajamas, I called Lara to ask her for more details about Drake.

"You won't believe it. Drake was at my father's fundraising dinner tonight."

"He told me he's friends with your father."

"Still, you'd think he could just let this drop, considering how much it upset me. He didn't. He pushed things."

"He's a natural Dom, Kate. He knows what he wants and he does what it takes to get it."

I sighed. "Should I do this?"

"You have to be the one to decide. But know this. Dominants, even the ones into pain, are serious about recognizing and respecting their sub's limits. It's a source of pride for us to know

what a sub needs and how far to push to enhance their experience. It's what drives us – having that control and responsibility and giving a sub what they need through satisfying our own needs."

I said nothing, letting that sink in a bit.

"Kate, a vanilla man will never give you what you really need and you'll end up feeling unloved and insecure, unable to respond the way you could with a Dom. A vanilla woman can't give a Dom what he needs. He feels as if he can't be himself during sex, frustrated that he can't take control, make things right – better. Doms and subs. We need each other. It's beautiful when it works out."

"It all sounds so nice but can I trust him?"

"You can trust him. Kate, I've known him for years."

Much later, as I sat at my desk revising the document I was drafting, I composed an email with the agreement as an attachment. I'd just had a warm bath and was still wet, wrapped in a towel.

I held my finger over the mouse, the little hand hovering over the send button. Then, I pressed send. Immediately, I checked my sent folder and re-read it, biting my nail as I worried I had just made a huge mistake.

From: McDermott, Katherine M.

Sent: November 07, 11:31 PM

To: Morgan, D. L.

Subject: The Agreement

Attachments: The Agreement.doc (50 KB)