He pulled me against him. "You are a kinky little thing, Ms. Bennet. You're going to make me very uncomfortable if you keep up with that teasing mind of yours and I'll be embarrassed in front of your father's guests because of the tent in my pants. But maybe later, after dessert when there's a lull in things before we get into liqueurs, I'll tug at my ear and you'll go into the bathroom off your bedroom and wait for me. I may just have a nice big present for you…"

I closed my eyes, a thrill going through my body thinking of it.

Somehow, we made it through the cocktails and chat before dinner, my father's huge smile and boisterous gravelly voice clearly indicating he was happy to see us standing together, one of Drake's hands on the small of my back. Drake never left my side, and together, we talked to whoever came by to greet us.

Nigel arrived and I was surprised to see him with his partner, Brian. Short, well-dressed with impeccable taste, Brian was barely up to Nigel's shoulder. I turned to see my father and wondered how he'd respond. He smiled and shook Brian's hand and that was it. He was accepted into the inner circle. Nigel spied us and came right over, introducing Brian to Drake and me. After we said our hellos, Elaine came by and pulled Brian away for a moment to show him some artwork.

Nigel leaned in to me.

"So I see your father's matchmaking succeeded."

I smiled. "I tried to fight it, Nigel, but you know my father. He has to have his way."

Nigel laughed. "Yes. That he does." Nigel laid a hand on Drake's shoulder. "I already had my little talk with Drake about you so I won't say anything more."

Drake smiled, but I could tell there was still something between them.

"Quit being my big brother, Nigel," I said, pointing a finger at him.

"Someone has to be. Heath seems too busy with his own children."

Then Nigel leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "Happy New Year, Kate."

I squeezed his hand and watched him walk over to where Brian and Elaine stood, admiring a piece of art.

I sighed and turned to Drake, who put his arm around my shoulder.

"What did he say to you that night?"

"He just told me if I ever hurt a hair on your head, he'd have me thrashed soundly."

I laughed at that and Drake grinned.

Mostly, we spoke to each other, him leaning down to whisper in my ear, telling me what he wanted to do to me if we did get a chance to go to the bathroom later.

"Ms. Bennet, I want to slip my hand down under your dress and feel you. Are you already wet for me? I bet you are, you vixen…"

"Shh, Drake," I said, my cheeks heating, unable to keep a smile off my face.

At dinner, we sat in the same places as before, but this time, I kept slightly turned to Drake, barely able to keep my eyes off him or a smile off my face. My stomach was all butterflies as we ate our meal, and I wondered if he would do it – tug his ear and signal that I was to go to my bathroom and wait for him.

Finally, once dinner was over and the servers took away our dessert plates, my father announced that we'd take our after dinner drinks in the living room. As my father spoke to Drake about something to do with the dance afterwards, Drake tugged his ear. I glanced away quickly, my body responding.

He was going to go through with it.

I stood up. "Please excuse me."

I left the dining room just as people started to filter out and make their way to the living room. I slipped to my bedroom and into the bathroom, breathing deeply, wondering how long it would take for him to escape. In a couple of minutes, he opened the door and came inside, closing the door and leaning against it.

"I have something

for you, Ms. Bennet."

"You do?" My face was hot, butterflies in my stomach.

"In my pants. Come and see for yourself. I need you to take it out. It's very uncomfortable."

I went to him and opened his suit jacket, then ran my fingers over his groin. Something hard protruded from it but it didn’t seem the right shape. I opened his fly and reached in only to find a long black velvet case.