"He volunteered. He said if the poor black kids had to fight, the middle-class white kids should as well."

"That's what my dad said. No wonder they were friends…"

Drake nodded. "He almost loved Canada as much as Mother Russia. We used to go to Northern Alberta every year on vacation and he'd do surgery up in the wilds. We'd fly in to these tiny communities and he'd donate his services. We'd always stop in Montréal and eat this absolutely horrible mess of French fries and gravy and cheese curds called Poutine."

I smiled and listened to the music. It was very haunting. "What is this piece?"

"It's very appropriate," he said and went over to a stack of old albums. "This song is called Affair on 8th Avenue." He brought some sheet music over and handed it to me.

He sat back down. I glanced over the words, which told the story of a pair of lovers at an apartment on 8th Avenue.

"It's beautiful. Can you play this?" I asked as I read it over.

"I can but not with this wrist. I guess my hopes of playing with the band over the weekend are out."

"It's that bad?"

"I think I tore something. My whole arm hurts."

Despite my injuries, I felt Drake's warmth through his clothing and it in turn warmed me up.

"So, what are we going to do?"

Drake shrugged, his good arm around me. "I don’t know."

"I could do you," I said. "You don't want me to just, you know, crawl on top? You wouldn't have to do anything…"

He leaned his head back, eyeing me from the side. "You're going to try to top me, are you?"

"It's not topping and you wouldn’t be bottoming. It's just having sex. I'm a little aroused. I was really looking forward to tonight."

"Ms. Bennet, you're a horny little thing but I just can't be safe with only one working hand and arm…"

"You don't have to restrain me."

I climbed onto his lap without him requesting it but he didn't fight me. I leaned down and kissed him, and he let me. Since that first night in my apartment, he always signaled when our scene would start by embracing me, then kissing me. I'd never made the first move.

At first, he didn’t kiss me back. When I pulled away and looked in his eyes, searching for his permission, he said nothing.

"You don't want me to fuck you?" I said, a little hurt.

"Kate, I am never fucked. I fuck."

"But you're injured and can't manage. I could do all the work. If it would make you feel better, you could always order me to."

"Katherine…" He had this look in his eyes. A bit upset, but cautious. "Remember, we're always in scene at my place."

I sighed. He meant that even when we weren't having sex, I was still his submissive. Not his girlfriend.

"Drake, do I have to go home and resort to Big? I need you…" I kissed him again, angry now that he was so rigid that he couldn’t stand to have me once make the first move or do the work.

"I don't want you going home by yourself," he said when I pulled away. "I want you to stay here


"I want to lick you, and suck you, then I want to get on top and ride you. That wouldn't please you?"

"I thought you were uncomfortable taking the lead in sex, Kate. That’s why submission appeals to you."