"Drake Morgan, MD," I said, smiling back at him. "I didn't know you could dance, Master."

"Oh, I have been known to cut a rug from time to time."

"Cut a rug?"

He laughed. "It's an old term for dance."

I realized as he led me around the dance floor for a few moments, smiling broadly, that I loved it when Drake smiled. His face lit up, and it seemed all the cares fell away and he was happy. It made me happy to see him so relaxed.

The next song was slow, something from the big band era I didn't recognize, and we just melted together, my arms around his neck, his around my waist, my head on his shoulder, his face in my neck. I loved the feel of his body against mine, how warm he was, his body so strong, reassuring. I felt totally safe here, at this high-roller BDSM party where people drew blood, electrocuted each other, and struck each other with whips and paddles. Drake made me feel safe. I felt as if I could do anything with him, give up total control to him, and he'd know what to do. Yes, he had gone a bit too far with the spanking, but it was my fault, trying to go beyond my own limits to please him, despite it upsetting me too much. It wasn't really his fault that I bled. I was determined to beat him in the game of how much could I take and how much was he willing to give.

"Ms. Bennet, I think I want to fuck you now," he whispered in my ear. His words sent a shock of lust through me, and I emerged from this sweet dreamlike state I'd been in from slow dancing with him.

"Yes, Master," I said, my voice breathless. He took my hand and led me out of the ballroom and to the staircase, back to the bedroom assigned to us. He pulled me over to the bed and practically threw me onto it, and I laughed as I bounced and he climbed on top of me, a smile on his face.

I waited to see what he'd do to me, my hands above my head, him between my spread thighs. He just rested on his hands above me and his gaze moved over me, from my face and lower. Then he bent down and kissed the tops of my breasts, which bulged out over the bodice.

"You look delectable."

He pulled the leather bodice down just a bit so that my nipples poked out over the edge and then he began to suck and nibble them, sending delicious chills through my body straight to my groin.

"Master," I said, my eyes closed as he sucked and licked my breasts. "Are you going to tie me up?"

"Shh," he said and sucked one nipple into his mouth, his tongue circling the areola. I groaned and arched my back, pressing my breast into him. "A slave doesn't ask what her Master has planned. She just waits. But I think I'm going to just fuck you missionary style tonight."

I frowned, wanting to see how being surrounded by all the kink would affect him. I thought it would make him more intense, maybe trying things with me that he hadn't yet. Instead, he wanted to fuck me vanilla? I bit my lip, holding back my protest.

"Don't do that," he said, touching my mouth. "Kate, you just have to let me decide how I want to fuck you. It shouldn't be your concern

. You're going to come one way or the other, so leave this up to me. Do you understand?"

I nodded and let my mouth fall open slightly. "Yes, Master. I'm sorry. I just thought…"

"When we're in scene, don't think of anything but pleasing me. If it pleases me to fuck you missionary style, it should please you to comply."

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes. "Yes, Master. I apologize but I just can't help but be curious why. I thought at a BDSM party…"

He didn't say anything for a while, and even though my eyes were closed, I could almost feel his eyes on my face, his expression so intense.

"I like contrasts and appreciate irony, Kate. Downstairs, everyone's busy getting their kink on, and here we are, fucking like a pair of ordinary lovers."

I opened my eyes and stared into his for a moment. Was he saying that's what he wanted? That's how he felt about me? Just ordinary lovers?

"So this is an ironic fuck, Master?" I said, unable to keep a grin from starting.

He grinned widely, his eyes crinkling, a mischievous look on his face. "Very ironic. How transgressive are we to fuck like this at this party? Now shh and spread your legs wide like a good vanilla girl."

Then, he very deliberately and very slowly began to seduce me with his touch and his mouth and his words, whispering in my ear how much he wanted me, what he would do to me. I didn't think it would be as intense as if I was bound and helpless, but it was in its own way. He undressed me slowly, removing the dress and the garter belt and hose, and I was surprised. I thought he'd want to keep them on, given he liked the look of them and how leather smelled when warm. But he seemed to want me completely naked instead.

Then he undressed as well and lay between my legs, fully naked, his thick erection pressed into my groin. He took his time, working me up with his fingers and his tongue, exploring every part of my body, so that I was aching with need. Then, he pulled me on top of him so that I lay with him between my thighs.

"Seduce me now," he said and closed his eyes. So I did, repeating exactly what he did to me, using my mouth and tongue and fingers, rubbing myself against him shamelessly, shoving my breasts in his face, my hair trailing down his body as I placed a trail of kisses down his belly and began teasing him, breathing on him, slowly licking him all over before sucking him into my mouth, my hands cupping his scrotum.

By the time it came to actual fucking, I was so ready, my face heated, my thighs quivering as he entered me, working me up in his way, stroking me with the head of his cock, and it didn't take long before I was ready.]

"Master, I'm going to…"

But he didn't stop. He just kept on with what he was doing.