"Let's play it by ear. There's a very private and exclusive pre-Christmas dungeon party in Yonkers I thought we could go to. Would you like to go? It's the Saturday before Christmas."

The idea of going with him to a dungeon party thrilled me. The idea of him tying me up thrilled me. The idea of people watching? It gave me little butterflies in my stomach.

"OK," I said. I didn't want to deny him.

He kissed me. "Thank you. I want to take you. I have something special in mind for that night."


He just smiled and shook his head. He finished wiping me off and after I inserted a new tampon, I came back to the bed and he pulled the covers over us, snuggling down against me from behind.

"What about you?" I asked, feeling so relaxed that I forgot to use the proper term. "Do you like to watch other people or have other people to watch you?"

"I like to watch, yes. I can go either way when it comes to exhibitionism. I have done some tutorials and demonstrations of bondage and I can perform if I have to. I tend to like my sex private. I'll expect you to be dressed appropriately and I'll have to put a collar on you and we can do whatever you feel comfortable with."

"A collar?" I felt my neck and imagined how a thick leather collar would feel. I turned around in his arms so that I was facing him, the contours of his cheek and jaw highlighted by the light from the window.

"Would you like that?" he said, brushing hair from my face. "I'd have to make sure no one else tried to touch you or even approached you. I'm very possessive like that. I don't share my subs."

"I wouldn't want to have sex in front of people, though," I said, my hands on his chest, his arms wrapped around me. "I'm not into the whole poly scene. I'd like to watch what other people do, but I'm too shy to have people watch me fuck or have an orgasm. And I can't easily just fuck anyone."

"I know," he said and nuzzled my neck, playfully biting my shoulder. "I like that."

"You do? I thought you saw it as a failing in me."

"I did when I wanted you to fuck me that first time, but now, I see it as a definite plus. I don’t want to think of you with anyone else…"

I smiled and kissed him, amused by the contradiction.

"But when we do go," he said, his voice chiding. "I'd expect you to remember to use the proper form of address…" I saw his grin start despite the darkness. "If you don't in front of other Doms, I'd have no choice but to punish you."

Then I realized we were still in scene, as he called it, and scrunched my face up. "Oh, sorry, Master. I've been very bad."

"That's all right," he said, trying not to smile. "I'll let it go tonight but I won't always be so tolerant."

"What would you do, Master? If you had to punish me?"

"I'd bend you over my lap and spank you with my bare hand. And then I would have to fuck you, but it would be in private."

He still hadn't administered one of his spankings I'd been so eager to experience. I wanted to suggest it, but of course, that would be topping from the bottom and I wasn't going to do that.

"I want to go, Master," I said, whispering. "I want you to

have to spank me."

He pulled me against him, nuzzling my neck. "You are such a bad girl to tempt me like that, Katherine. You've been very good. Except for the occasional lapse in your use of terminology, I've found no good reason to spank you. I like it that way. We have so little time together, I don’t want to have to punish you, no matter how you might enjoy it."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. It would happen eventually – maybe at the dungeon party. Until then, I was still far more enamored with exploring bondage with Drake. Exploring Drake period. I knew I wasn't supposed to concern myself with what made him tick. That was his job. My job was just to submit and let him take me where he wanted me to go, but I couldn’t help it. I was so curious about him and what made him want to control me so carefully during sex, why he had to compartmentalize his life. I was curious about his wife and why they broke up.

"You never told me much about the restraining order."

"For a reason, Kate. I don't like to talk about it. It was a mess."

I nodded, not wanting to push him, but still curious. I turned away, trying to hide my disappointment.

He took in a deep breath. "Have I once hurt you in any way, intentionally, that scared you or made you upset?"

"No," I said, having to admit it.