"Good." He poured more wine into my empty glass. "Drink that down as well."

I took a gulp. "You aren't drinking."

"This is just for show." He held the glass up. "I have to stay sober so I can have my way with you." He wagged his eyebrows.

"I don’t want to do this," I said, pouting. "Why are you making me?"

"When we're in scene, it's not about what you want, Katherine. It's about what I want. I want you. Tonight. I've been hard all day waiting for you." He took my hand and placed it on his erection. I closed my eyes. Just the feel of him in my hand made me respond, a thrill going through me.

"How can you stand to have sex with a woman when she's bleeding?"

"I'm a surgeon, Kate. A little blood doesn't scare me."

"It's gross."

"Oh, Ms. Bennet," he said, smiling, pressing me down so that my wine almost spilled. "You don't know what gross is. You could never be gross. You are an entirely delicious morsel of womanflesh and I can't wait to partake of your delights."

"You’re going to make me spill," I said, trying to be mad at him.

"Drink up." He took the glass and moved my hand closer to my mouth. "Drink it all."

I did, squinting a bit, unused to guzzling wine. "You are so bossy."

"I am," he said and grinned, nuzzling my neck. "You love it."

I did. Most of the time. Not this time. My sense of propriety prevented it. I was mortified at the thought he wanted to fuck me now.

"It'll be so messy," I said, closing my eyes as he moved my sweater off my shoulder and bit the muscle. "I'll be horrified."

"Kate," he said and took my chin in his hand. "Have you ever fucked during your period?"

I shook my head, my face heating.

"No? Don't tell me how you'll feel. I'll tell you. You'll be orgasmic and won't notice the blood. In fact, think of the blood, what little there will be of it, as extra lube. I'm big. You're deliciously small and tight. I can use all the help I can get."

I sighed, the alcohol starting to make my mouth feel a bit rubbery. "It really doesn't bother you?"

He grabbed my hand and held it against his erection once more. "Does this feel as if it bothers me? Believe me, Kate. It really doesn't bother me."

"Is this a kink of yours?"

"No, it’s not a kink. It's just not a deterrent."

He poured even more wine into my glass. I took another big gulp, wanting to get drunk so I wouldn't notice.

"Oh, fuck it," I said, leaning back. "Whatever."

"Don't you whatever me, Ms. Bennet, or I'll have to smack your round little ass."

I closed my eyes and smiled. "Promises promises…"

In the end, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I'd drunk enough wine so that my head spun a bit and he tied a blindfold around my eyes so I couldn’t see anything. I laughed as he ran a bath and tried to maneuver me into it without me falling and cracking my head. Then he washed me carefully, his hands lingering on my clit, and I knew he was trying to arouse me. I had no idea how much blood there was anyway.

I did have a very intense orgasm as he fucked me from behind, his fingers on my clit. I did feel better afterwards. He didn't remove the blindfold until I was completely cleaned off. When he did, he kissed me.

"See?" he said, running his thumb over my bottom lip. "That was good, wasn't it?"

I nodded. "I didn’t call you Master once," I said, smiling, my mouth feeling a bit cottony from the wine.