I did, pulling my hair up above my shoulders.

"Come here and straddle me on the chair."

"Don't you want to shave me first?"

"Slave," he said and shook his head. "No questioning my decisions. Besides, I'm going to send you to get waxed. It lasts longer."

I gritted my teeth, wondering how much pain that would be. Then I went to him and complied, one knee on either side of his hips, my arms resting on his shoulders. He looked me up and down, at my bare pussy, my thighs spread wide, and then up to my face.

"Your cheeks are nicely flushed, Katherine. You're nice and wet as well. I suspect you're also nicely swollen inside. Almost ready for me."

I didn't say anything, waiting for what he would do to me. Finally, he pulled the fabric of my bra down to expose my nipples and tweaked each one, before pulling me up and leaning in to suck one, pulling on the areola gently with his teeth, the tiny bit of pain making me gasp but then he sucked and the pleasure immediately after went right to my clit.

"Stand up."

I did, standing with a foot on either side of him on the cushion so that my groin was level with his face. I knew what was coming next, my pulse increasing at the thought. He reached up behind me and squeezed my ass, pulling me closer.

"Put one foot on the arm rest," he said. When I did, he began licking me all over, slowly, agonizingly slowly, biting me softly before slipping his tongue between my lips to find my very swollen clit. I had to prop myself on the wall behind the wing chair while he bit and licked and sucked me, the sensations making me dizzy with desire. He slipped a couple of fingers inside of me while he sucked and licked and my thighs began to tremble.

"Tell me if you feel close. Remember, you can't come until I say you can."

Soon, I could feel the faint stabs of pleasure building deep within me, my face hot, my breathing faster.

"Drake, I think…" I said, then realized I'd used his name. "I mean, Master…"

He didn't stop what he was doing. If anything, he increased the tempo, adding another finger, sucking me into his mouth so that I had to moan out loud.

"I'm going to…"

He still didn't stop and my orgasm started, waves of pleasure spreading outward from my groin, down my legs and up into my chest. I could barely keep my eyes open, my b

ody clenching around his fingers, my thighs quaking.

It was too much. "Oh, God, please stop…" I gasped.

Finally, he stopped his motions and I just leaned against the wall, breathing deeply, my forehead resting on the hard plaster.

"Should I get down?" I said after a moment. I tried to pull away but he stopped me with one hand, keeping the other where it was, his fingers still inside me.

"No, wait. I like to feel this."

I stopped, my body clenching involuntarily every few seconds in the aftermath of my orgasm.

He covered me once more with his mouth, his tongue flat against my throbbing clit. I inhaled deeply for I was still so sensitive.

Finally, when my thighs were shaking too much from maintaining the position, he pulled his mouth off me, taking my hips in his hands and pulling me down so that I was back sitting on his lap, straddling him. He kissed me and I could taste myself on his lips and tongue, the slightest hint of salty flesh.

When he ended the kiss, he pulled back and just looked at me, his gaze moving over my face.

"My turn."


I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. "I thought I got two for every one of yours."

He made a mock face of affront. "That's a very saucy mouth you have." He touched the scar on my bottom lip. "I might have to just silence it with something."

"Not a ball gag," I said, pulling back, a bit of apprehension filling me.