“Hello, Ms. Parker. You’re looking very lovely tonight.”

I laughed and glanced down at my bar apron. He was a charmer. I had told him I was closing the bar and would be pretty late, but he showed up anyway. It sent a little shock of adrenaline through me that he was willing to come by so late.

“You’re here pretty late. Don’t you have a retreat to finish up?”

“I lied,” he said and leaned on the bar so that his face was just a few inches from mine. “It was finished yesterday. I was trying to find an excuse to stay another day and see you again so I called a few business contacts in Wilmington and had a few meetings.”

I grinned and finished pouring the last drink orders. Before I saw him walk through the door, I wasn’t sure if I had enough energy to go to his hotel room for a bout of sex, even if it was the hottest sex I’d ever had. Now that I saw him in the flesh, looking so delicious, I knew I had the energy and more.

We made small talk while I finished closing the bar, restocking and cleaning, and then I did a quick cash out. Once I was done, I left the bar, switched on the alarm once everything was double-checked, and then locked the doors behind us.

The night was warm and the air still as we walked to his limo, which was parked on the street, the driver popping out when he saw us approach. He opened the door for me.

I hopped in and Beckett got in beside me. As usual, he sat close to me, helping me with my seat belt. I smiled at his chivalry. I wasn’t used to it, but found it charming. He seemed to enjoy taking care of his date. Frankly, after a year dry spell, I enjoyed the attention.

“Will you come to my hotel for a while? The driver can take you back later, if you feel a need to go back to your place.”

I hesitated. “I’d like that,” I said, not committing to staying the night. I still felt uncomfortable staying the night. I didn’t want Dan’s parents to know I was with a new man. I knew that no matter what, it would make them think of Dan and make them sad.

So instead of staying the night the way my body wished I could, I went with Beckett to his hotel, with every intention of staying for a while and then going home before dawn, so Scott and Jeanne wouldn’t know.

The best laid plans…

Beckett ran a bath for me complete with bubbles once we got into his hotel room and then he slowly undressed me and helped me into the warm frothy tub. I laid back, exhaling in pleasure, and then watched as he removed his clothes, hanging his suit up on the back of the door, and kneeling down beside the tub in his boxer briefs.

“You’ve worked a double shift today,” he said and picked up a bar of soap. “Let me pamper you a while.”

“I’m not arguing,” I said and sighed while he began to slowly wash me starting at my hands and working his way up my arms and then down my body to my feet. By the time he was done, his fingers caressing me, slipping between my legs, sliding over my breasts, tweaking my nipples with his soapy fingers, I was relaxed and aroused at the same time.

He practically carried me to the bed and then made love to me nice and slow and deliberately.

I lay beside him, recovering, filled with euphoria and such a sense of release and relaxation that I fell asleep without even realizing how close I was. When I awoke, I gasped and glanced at the clock radio on the bedside table. Seven o’clock in the morning.

I bolted upright. “Oh my God,” I said and slipped out of bed. “I have to get home right away. Scott’s an early riser.”

“Do you think he’ll already be up?”

I nodded, panic rising in me at the thought Scott would wonder where I was. I rushed to the bathroom to quickly wash my face, and get dressed.

Beckett followed me and stood naked in the bathroom door, watching me.

“Why don’t you stay for breakfast? There’s no sense now trying to pretend you were home.”

I stood beside the sink and considered. Scott was always up early. Sometimes six thirty at the latest. He’d be up when I arrived home. Maybe I could tell him I stayed at Leah’s… But I didn’t want to lie.

“I have to do the morning cash out. I need a change of clothes first, so I have to go…”

He made a sad face and shrugged. “We should have set the alarm.

I’m sorry.”

I dressed, and Beckett watched me. “I’ll call for the limo.”

I nodded and gathered up my things. “Thanks.”

While Beckett used the house phone, I took one last look around to make sure I had everything and then went to the door. He came right over to me and pulled me against his body, squeezing me.

“Thank you for coming home with me,” he said in a soft voice. “Don’t worry about things. You’re an adult. You have to live your life.”