When would we see each other again?



The next day, I met Leah at the gym.

“So,” Leah said, her eyes bright. “Is Mr. Viking God coming to do the MCMAP with us again?”

I shook my head, sad that he wasn’t. “No,” I said and looked at the front of the class where Devil Dog stood, speaking to a new student before class started. “He has a meeting this morning.”

“Are you going to see him again before he leaves Topsail Beach?”

I shrugged. “He said we should get together for lunch or dinner but he’s gone on Wednesday.”

Leah pouted. “Brandon’s already gone,” she said. “He’s leaving today. Why is Beckett staying another day? The convention’s already over.”

“Beckett said it was over tomorrow.”

“Brandon said today. I think Mr. Viking wants to stay so he can see you again. You really should try to swap shifts tonight so you can be with him.”

“Can’t do it. Steve is off early tonight because he has a thing.”

“Can’t Mr. Lewis take over?”

I shook my head. “No,” I said with a sigh. “He hurt his shoulder and doesn’t bartend any longer. It’s me or no one.”

“Too bad. Are you going to do lunch with him? Afternoon delight? You have some time…”

I pursed my lips and considered. If Beckett was really going back tomorrow, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see him again. If we weren’t going to see each other when we both returned to Manhattan, it would be awkward saying goodbye. Even though the prospect of sex with Beckett was pretty enticing, I wasn’t the type for an afternoon delight as Leah called it, especially if we were never going to see each other again. Better to cut ties completely.

“He put his contact info in my phone so if I want to connect with him, I can. We’re leaving for Virginia next Thursday and will do the memorial on Friday.”

“Call him when you get back to Manhattan. You’d be crazy not to. He really likes you, hun. Don’t let a man like him slip away.”

I smiled and faced the front of the room when Devil Dog turned back to us, his hands on his hips.

“Okay, recruits! Time to work on your lazy asses!”

When I bent down to do the warm-up, I did ache in all the right places, and that ache made me think of Beckett.

I’d call him later, or text him and invite him for dinner at Joe’s Bar and Grill. It was one of my favorite restaurants and served up great seafood. I had an hour and a half off between shifts and so it would be the only time we could connect.

The workout was grueling and I felt like I’d been through the wringer by the time it was done. Leah laughed and shook her arms out as we walked down the hallway to the locker rooms.

“God, my arms are weak. Gonna have to do this once we go back to school. There’s probably some place that has the MCMAP.”

“I can ask Devil Dog if he knows of anything in Manhattan,” I said hopefully. I really liked the idea of being able to defend myself and getting in better shape. MCMAP was grueling but I knew that if we kept it up, both Leah and I would be toned and strong.

I showered and then went back home for a change of clothes for my afternoon shift.

The night went fine, and I was glad when the clock showed I had only a short while before I could start clean-up and then go home for a much-needed sleep. I was exhausted.

Of course, it was then that Beckett showed up looking like a zillion dollars in his slate grey suit, the one that made his eyes look grey and mysterious, maybe a little dangerous. My heart did a little flip-flop when I saw him arrive just before last call.

He sidled up to my bar, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary.

“Hello, Mr. Tate,” I said, unable to keep a huge grin off my face.