“You’re back in town?” Steve said, his voice low.

“Yeah,” Beckett said and stood up a little straighter. Not only was Beckett taller than Steve, he was also bulkier. “I’m holding a retreat for my staff and Topsail Beach is a very nice place to be.” Beckett looked into my eyes and raised his eyebrows.

Steve said nothing. On my part, I felt a little thrill in my gut because of the way Beckett was looking at me. We stood smiling at each other, and I wished Steve would get a clue and leave us alone.

“It’s like Fate is pushing us together,” Beckett said. “Who am I to argue with Fate?”

Steve harrumphed at that and finally turned away.

“What are you doing here?” I said, glancing over him, noting his impeccable suit and tie. “I thought you were at a retreat…”

“Like I said,” he said and smiled. “I’d tell you but I’d have to kill you.”

I laughed and took a sip. “Okay, then,” I said. “I’ll give up on the interrogation.”

“Just kidding,” he said, as if thinking better of his Mr. Mysterious ploy. “Our session for the day was over and we have the evening off. I’m here with a few of my staff,” he said. “But I’m glad to see you here. They want to talk shop and I’m fed up to my craw with work. I need a pleasant distraction. So tell me,” he said and leaned his elbow against the bar. “What are you doing in Topsail Beach?” He leaned a bit closer to me, his gaze moving over me.

“It’s a long story,” I said, not really wanting to explain.

“I have all night.” He tilted his head. “Want to go somewhere quiet? We could…talk.”

I couldn’t help but snort at that. “Talk…” I said in disbelief while my mind went through all the delicious possibilities.

“I’m serious,” he said, putting on an innocent expression. “Why would you doubt me? There’s a coffee shop

down the street where we could sit and talk. And of course, it’s incredibly convenient because the Yacht Club is just a half block away and my room is upstairs…”

“I just got here,” I said in protest, although leaving with him right then and there sounded fantastic. “I came to dance and have fun. Besides, I’m here with Leah.”

At that, he frowned. “She can’t look after herself?”

When I didn’t respond, he stepped closer. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No,” I said and was almost going to tell him about Dan, but I stopped myself.

“Whew,” he said and wiped his brow dramatically. He grinned. “For a moment there I thought it would be sabers at dawn.”

I laughed out loud at that. One thing was certain – Beckett was not shy about indicating his interest in me.

He was definitely interested.

“So, Miranda,” he said and leaned closer. “Since you’re here to dance and have fun, care to dance?”

I held up my beer. “Just got this,” I said. “Don’t like to leave a drink around just in case. You know,” I said, then grimaced internally at my scintillating conversation, which hinted at anything but being fun.

He nodded. “Tell you what,” he said and took the beer out of my hand. “You dance with me now, and I promise I’ll buy you a fresh one.”

I glanced over at Leah, who was busy flirting with her man.

Steve was standing beside us, staring at the bar like he was interested, but I was sure he was listening in.

“Sure,” I said and Beckett took my hand. He led me to the center of the dance floor and when we arrived, I saw that Steve was watching us, leaning against the bar, his brow furrowed.

We danced, the music blaring, the laser lights bouncing around like crazy.

“I won’t ask you if you come here often,” Beckett said, leaning down to speak into my ear. “I have to come up with better conversation than that.”

“I don’t come here often,” I answered back. “Leah does.”