He shrugged. “It’s nice here. And as I said before, I had to arrange a retreat for my staff and thought this would be more private than somewhere in Wilmington. There’s a convention in Wilmington I needed to attend and so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. Maybe we could get together for a drink?”

“Maybe,” I said, not wanting to turn him down directly.

“That’s better than no,” he said and smiled.

I nodded but didn’t say anything else, not knowing what else to say. He took a long drink, grabbed his things and left.

I wished at that moment that I had the gumption to invite him out for a drink. But I didn’t and kicked myself mentally. He did offer his services…

I went to Leah’s side.

“God, he’s hot,” Leah said, making a face of awe as we watched him walk to the men’s locker room. “He looks great coming and going. That ass… I wish he would have taken off his turtleneck, though, so we could see his abs. What did he say to you?”

“Something about it being a good class and that I did well. Suggested we might have a drink…”

“I told you he has his sights set on you,” she said, elbowing me. “What did you say?”

“I said maybe.” I frowned. “He was just being friendly.”

“You should encourage him. Have that drink. A nice summer fling is just what you need.”

“I’m leaving in a few weeks,” I protested.

“That’s more than enough time, babe,” Leah said and wagged her eyebrows. “One night would fix what ails you.”

I rolled my eyes again but she was right. He seemed to single me out from everyone else for a little extra attention, but I doubted I would see him again and part of me was disappointed. Hell, part of me wished I could go to his hotel room and spend the entire weekend with him, but what would I tell Dan’s parents?

“Now what?” I asked, hungry and wanting some food.

She laughed and wiped sweat from her brow. “Now we shower, dress and then work our shift and finally, we go out for a well-deserved drink.”

I smiled. “I have to be at work early tomorrow and work all weekend so I can’t be too late. I need some sleep.”

“You can sleep when you’re eighty,” Leah said and grabbed my arm, pulling me down the hall. “You have to live now. We’re going to the club tonight. It’s Marla’s birthday and she wants us all there. Besides, there’s a bunch of Wall Street types in Wilmington for some convention. Don’t worry, Cinderella. I’ll get you home before your carriage turns into a pumpkin. Maybe I’ll meet the future Mr. Grant.”

“They’re all psychopaths in suits.”

“Hey!” she said and stuck her tongue out. “I’ll have you know I almost dated a stockbroker by the name of Blake. I was this close,” she said and held up two fingers, measuring about an inch. She wanted a rich stockbroker as a boyfriend or husband. She made a plan and it included moving back to Manhattan with me when I returned to finish my degree and going to clubs frequented by business students.

“Close only counts in horseshoes,” I said as we walked down the hallway. “I married someone, and look where it got me.”

She made a face, and I knew she felt bad once more for reminding me of my short experience with married life.

I was already starting to cramp up badly. Instead of a night at a fancy club with a hot stranger, I probably should have stayed at home with a hot water bottle and Advil but this was the start of my new life and I was going to live it to the max.

“I probably should stay at home,” I said.

“You’re coming out with me if I have to tie a leash on you and drag you out.”

“I’m not that kinky,” I said and grinned widely, dodging her when she tried to grab me.

“You’re probably very kinky,” she said with a laugh. “All the quiet ones are.”

That afternoon, once I’d finished daily cash, Dan’s mother brought the mail to the restaurant before she left for the city. I stood at the bar and examined a letter addressed to me for clues. Thin, the letter was from the FBI and I was reluctant to open it. I’d applied for the Student Internship with the FBI, hoping to get some experience in the Bureau as a way to cement my application when I graduated. The envelope was far too thin to be anything but a rejection letter. Letters of acceptance most likely included information on when I’d start and probably forms to sign.

Leah had come and peered over my shoulder at the letter.

I went ahead and opened it.