Beckett took his place at Bulldog’s side at the front of the class and surveyed us.

“Beckett will start with a warm-up,” Bulldog said and motioned to Beckett.

Beckett nodded and turned to us. “All right, class. We’re going to start with some yoga poses to limber you up. When we start the self-defense portion of the class, we don’t want you pulling muscles or tearing ligaments.”

“Yoga?” Leah whispered beside me. “Some bad boy…”

I kept my mouth shut and tried to follow Beckett as he moved through a few poses. I recognized some of them from a beginner’s yoga video I’d watched on YouTube. Mountain Pose. Sun Salutation. Downward Dog. Warrior Pose. Tree Pose. Child’s Pose. Cobra.

Triangle Pose.

Beckett and Bulldog walked around the room, correcting people’s posture. Beckett stopped beside me while I was struggling to keep in Triangle Pose and helped position my body so that I was balanced p


“There you go,” he said, his voice soft, his strong hands on my hips to steady me.

“Um, thanks,” I said, feeling like a total spaz, hyper-aware of his touch, his hands warm. When I wobbled, he held me more tightly, his big hand splayed over my left hip, the other curving around my waist. A thrill went through me when his hand touched my bare midriff and I flushed, my cheeks hot.

“That’s better,” he said once I stabilized.

After he walked away, Leah glanced at me and wagged her eyebrows. “He likes you,” she whispered.

“Get a life,” I replied, rolling my eyes, but inside, I knew she was right.

After about ten minutes of yoga poses, we moved right into the self-defense portion of the class, and learned how to punch, how to defend against a punch, and how to fall.

I didn’t puke after all.

I did, however, hurt my ass during break fall training. Leah and I worked together, but I kept my eye on Beckett Tate the Viking CEO, DEA Agent and ex-Marine, who spent time with several duos, showing them how to perform each move. When he came to Leah and me, he used me for the demonstration, putting me in proper position while explaining everything to Leah.

“I told you he likes you,” Leah whispered when he moved on to another pair. “He had his hands—his nice strong hands—all over your body.”

“Shh,” I said and smiled to myself. “Down, girl.”

After class was over, I felt elated, the endorphins from the workout stronger than the pain signals from my aching body. Not to mention a little buzz from all the attention Beckett paid to me.

Leah and I high-fived and went to the drinking fountain. Beckett stopped by, waiting after me for a drink.

“Good class,” he said and smiled at me.

I have to admit that my heart skipped a beat when I looked in his eyes.

“If you like to break your bones,” I replied.

“You did well for someone new to this. If you stick with it, you’ll learn how to prevent broken bones. It’s a great workout.”

I smiled. “I was a bit surprised at the yoga part. You don’t look like a yoga man.”

“I’m a man of many talents,” he said suggestively and then grinned. “Capable of moving my body into many positions, whether for warfare or other pursuits.” He winked at me. “Just another superpower…”

I laughed with him.

“So what are you really doing back in Topsail Beach?”

“Are you interested?” he asked with a grin. “I’m available if you are and can offer you a variety of personal services…” He had this wicked expression in his eyes – an expression that sent a jolt of desire through me despite how hesitant I had been when I first saw him.

“Just curious.”