“Nah,” Beckett said. “I climbed the highest mountain in Afghanistan. This is really so…” he said, hesitating as if he were struggling to find a non-insulting way to phrase his words.

“So… childish?” I said for him.

“Something like that,” he said with a soft laugh, his blue eyes playful.

When Leah got to the bottom, we high-fived, the three of us.

“So?” she said, grinning widely. “What’s next?”

“Martial arts,” I said and turned to Beckett. “We signed up for a class.”

“Have a great time,” he said with a mischievous grin. Then he walked off and although I had been worried about him being there, I felt a pang of regret in case I never saw him again.

Part of me was relieved. I did not want Beckett to watch me do a martial arts fitness class. My legs were already wobbly from a combination of adrenaline and weakness from too many hours sitting on my ass for the past year.

“I’m not sure I’m up to it,” I said, wondering if I should leave then.

Leah laughed. “You said you wanted to do it all.”

“I did.” I smiled ruefully.

Leah followed me to one of the rooms where a dozen people, male and female, had gathered to take the class.

A sign on the door caught my attention.

MCMAP. Beginners. All Fitness Levels.

That was hopeful. MCMAP. I knew what that was.

I turned to Leah in disbelief. “Did you know what this was when you signed us up?” I asked.

“No, but it said all fitness levels, and that includes couch potato, right?” Leah said hopefully.

I shrugged and took a place beside her, glancing at the chalkboard at the front of the room.

“I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Hey, you,” Leah said and pushed me playfully. “Carpe diem. Those were your exact words.”

I sighed. “All right… But you may regret it once you know what it is.”

“Why? What does MCMAP stand for?” Leah asked while she craned her neck to look around.

I smiled. “You’re the one who signed us up,” I said and turned away, scoping out the other students. “Believe me, you don’t want to know.”

“Seriously,” she said and stood in front of me, noting my failed attempt not to smile. “Tell me what it means.”

I took in a deep breath and held it for a few seconds. “Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.” Then I burst out laughing.

Her mouth fell open. “What?”

I smiled at the look on her face. “Yeah, Dan used to do it back before…”

Then I stopped myself. I was going to say “back before he died,” but I didn’t.

“Crap…” she said. “I had no idea. Sorry…”

“No, it’s okay. Dan used to do it. I know all about MCMAP but just so you know, I’m probably going to die since I’ve been a sloth for a year…”