I took it from him. "You know, this whole business could have been settled a month ago if you'd just asked for a meeting and told me about this."

"My client wasn't sure you were the father. Seems that Alicia didn't want to name you at first, so my client did some research on the men she dated in the months surrounding the date she became pregnant. You're one of three men who are possible fathers. He convinced her to petition to have you tested.”

"Have the other men taken tests?"

"Yes. Both came back negative. It looks like you're the one."

I shook my head, certain that there was no way it was me. "I guess the test will prove otherwise, so there must have been someone else.”

Then, I tucked the envelope into my jacket interior pocket and drove off.

I needed a very long ride around the river to work off the anger I felt at this most recent turn of events...

* * *

When I arrived back at the building, I went right up to the apartment and had a shower. In the shower, I went over what I could remember about my encounter with Alicia Conroy. We met at a local club when I was out with Keith on a nice summer night earlier in the year. We'd done shots as a group, we danced, and somehow, Alicia and I paired off and one thing led to another. We left together and took a cab back to the apartment, where we had a very tipsy encounter and then a much more sober encounter if somewhat hung over, the next morning. Alicia was vivacious and pretty with luscious curves and blonde hair down to her waist.

She was impressed with my name and family connections, and indicated she'd be interested in seeing me again. I said sure, give me your number, but I never did call her for a repeat performance. While enjoyable sexually, she just didn't strike me as girlfriend material.

I was certain that I'd used a condom both times we had sex. Drunk or sober, I always used protection for my sake more than anything. I didn't want to get a disease or someone pregnant.

That was the last thing on my mind.

I finished showering and got dressed, standing in the mirror, fastening my tie. It was then I remembered the first time we fucked. She'd got on top of me before I could put on a condom and had tried to ride me, but I stopped her.

"Whoa, girl," I had said and lifted her off me. "Wait a minute..." I'd reached into the drawer of my bedside table and pulled out a condom, fumbling in my drunken way with the condom, rolling it over my erection.

Then, we'd fucked. I removed the condom afterwards and tied it off. No leaks. There had been none the second time, either.

"If you got her pregnant, you're a dumb fuck," I said to myself.

* * *

I went to my office and checked my email. Then I called George, my lawyer who handled personal matters.

"Hey, George, I was served with a petition to undergo a paternity test for a woman I had sex with last summer. She's pregnant and claims I'm the only one who could be the father."

I heard George exhale on the other end of the line.

"You have to comply and go to the lab, get tested. If it comes back that you're the likely father, you'll have to provide child support."

I took in a deep breath. "Look, George, I used a condom both times we had sex, and I checked both times and the condom was intact. There's no way that it's my kid."

"Was there any unprotected genital-to-genital contact?"

I made a face. "There was a very brief amount of contact when she was eager to get going but I stopped her before there was any real penetration. Could she get pregnant from what tiny amount of material might have been present?"

"Absolutely. It happens. It's very rare and highly unlikely, especially if she was also on the pill. But it has happened before. You better be prepared."

I rubbed my forehead, angry with myself that I'd been drinking too hard and been too promiscuous after Christie and I broke up. I had tried to drown my sorrows in pussy and probably had gotten myself into big trouble.

"Thanks. I'll let you know what happens. How much will I be on the hook for, if it is my child?"

"You're very rich. The judge wil

l expect you to raise this child in a manner in keeping with your current lifestyle. As a multi-millionaire with a large income, it will be a lot."

"Okay, thanks. Figure something out for me, just in case."