ELLA: I'll let you pick out your dress. How's that?

STEPH: Perfect. I'll try to coordinate with you, but you know me. I have this giraffe physique and not every style looks good on me.

ELLA: More like a gazelle physique. Don't put yourself down like that.

STEPH: I happen to love giraffes, kiddo. ;)


STEPH: Who will be best man?

ELLA: I don't know who he'll ask. Probably David, I would think.

STEPH: OMG, David McIntyre. I'm in love already. He's such a hunk of dangerous man-flesh. Will the other brothers be there? Is there one who I could snag?

ELLA: I thought you were going to Oxford in October...

STEPH: I might reconsider if I could snag him. Seriously, Ella. David is a babe.

ELLA: He's actually quite sweet once you get to know him.

STEPH: That's right -- you and Josh spent time in LA at Christmas. We haven't talked for almost two weeks. Spill, sister. What's he really like? He has such a bad-boy persona.

ELLA: David's quite deep, when you get to know him. He seems really rough around the edges when he performs but he was a perfect gentleman the whole time we were there. Of course, he just lost Terry, one of his band members and I think it hit him really hard.

STEPH: Yeah, it must have been traumatic. I heard that they finished the latest EP and will be going on tour with the new guy.

ELLA: Yes. David seems to have recovered, but Josh says there's a sadness in him that wasn't there before. He wants us to spend the honeymoon there, too, but maybe we'll go somewhere exotic for a week. Bora Bora or French Polynesia.

STEPH: You should. You deserve it, kiddo. What do your parents think of Josh? Is your dad okay with it? I know there was that thing with the business partner back in the day.

ELLA: Mom gave him the word and he was a gentleman the entire two days we were at their place.

STEPH: That's good. The last thing you two need is a family feud to get between you.

ELLA: I know. I'm glad they put down the muskets and agreed to a truce.

STEPH: How's your writing going? Have you finished your own book yet?

ELLA: Still writing it. Maybe one of these days...

STEPH: You're too busy living your own Mr. Big fantasy to write about it, I guess. Now, we have to find one for me.

ELLA: Maybe in Oxford? Some brainy hunk with glasses and tattoos, spouting philosophy?

STEPH: I wish. Oh, you’ll never guess who I ran into at the chiropractor last week. None other than Jerkface himself.

ELLA: UGH! That must have been awkward.

STEPH: Oh, yeah. We both had to sit in the waiting room for at least fifteen mins. He tried to make small talk. Said he'd heard you had a new BF. I really rubbed it in, saying that he was very rich and very smart.

ELLA: What did Jerkface say? I hope he was green with envy.

STEPH: Man, I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears, but he played it so cool like it was nothing to him. I knew better. You are so lucky you got rid of him, Ellie. I'm serious. He may be a hunk but IMO he's a hunk of sh*t.

ELLA: My words exactly. Welp, I gotta go. Get back to the office and finish reading my latest batch of manuscripts.

STEPH: Later, kiddo. Big smoochies.