"You up already?" I said and gave him a kiss.

"I went for a run," he replied and pulled me against him. "I thought you were going to sneak into my room last night," he said under his breath.

"But you said to wait until California," I protested.

"I didn't think you really meant that. I said it just in case your father was listening in."

"His room is on the other side of the building," I replied. "How could he listen in?"

Josh shrugged and squeezed me. "I don't know. The walls have ears? Haven't you heard that before? I was lying awake at 3 AM, hoping you'd sneak in for a quickie. I was crushed with disappointment when you never showed." He pushed his bottom lip out in a pout.

I frowned, for he really sounded like he meant it the previous night.

Then I saw the gleam in his eyes, and he laughed out loud. "Gotcha! Seriously, I meant it. I don't want to do anything to give your father an excuse not to like me. I'm going to be his only son-in-law, so I'll be a good boy, even if it means I don't get to indulge in you the way I want. I can wait until we're married to sleep in the same bed with you when we're here."

I leaned into his arms and kissed him. "And that's part of what makes me love you so much."

We kissed again and then he let go. "Now, I need to go for a shower. I'll meet you in the kitchen for breakfast. It smells good whatever your mom is cooking."

"Oh, it's not Mom cooking. It's dad. He said he wanted to fix breakfast for us since we're leaving early. He usually cooks brunch every day after Christmas. Gives Mom a break. He does Eggs Benedict, fried potatoes, sausage, toast, the works."

"Good," Josh said. "I need the fuel to keep me going today."

He went upstairs and had a shower and I went down to the kitchen and watched my father fixing the Hollandaise sauce.

"So, this young man of yours," my father said as he whisked the sauce over the double boiler. "You love him?"

"Of course, I do," I said, watching his face. "I wouldn't be marrying him if I didn't. After what I went through with Derek, I'm once bitten twice shy, but Josh is such a good man. He's really good, Father."

"I think so," my father replied. "My friends were impressed with him, and that counts for a lot in my books. Sorry that I was a bit harsh when we first met."

"That's okay," I said and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. "I know that you're really sensitive about it."

"We'll just put it all behind us and move on," he replied. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

"I am very happy."

"Then I am, too." He smiled and then turned back to his sauce, which was done. "There," he said, holding up the whisk to show how nicely thick the sauce was. "Perfection."

We had breakfast, and it went just as well as had the previous day and night, so when it came time to leave, I really wished we could stay longer.

At the door, as we got on our coats and boots and prepared to leave, I felt all teary-eyed that I wouldn't see my parents again for a while. My hopes for the time spent with them were more than met, and even exceeded because I had feared that Josh and my father would get into an argument over the past.

Luckily, both Mom and I worked on my father enough for him to leave it all behind.

"Take care of my only girl," my father said to Josh as they shook hands goodbye.

"You can rest assured I will, Sir," he said to my father. Using the formal "Sir" was just the right choice, showing my father due respect and deference, plus letting him know he needed to "take care" of me. I knew it was all man-speak that they had to get through before they could be at ease with each other. Hopefully, one day after we were married and settled down, Josh and my father would actually become closer.

Until then, a friendly detente was good enough for me.

I kissed and hugged my mom and so did Josh, and we left.

After we got into the car and drove off, Josh turned to me, a smile on his face.

"That went well, I think," he said. "There were no pistols at dawn, so I'd say the stay was a success."

"A clear success," I said and squeezed his hand. "Now, I hope I can impress your brothers as much as you impressed my parents."