On Saturday, Steph and I indulged ourselves in the luxury that was our suite at the Ritz-Carlton. Like the last time we stayed, we had a massage and facial at the spa and then spent the afternoon shopping for dresses but didn't find anything that I liked more than the dress from Friday. We also visited a couple of local furniture boutiques, picking out lamps and rugs and other things we'd need for the penthouse and taking photos of them so I could get Josh to approve. I could have bought them using the credit card Josh provided me in my name, but I didn't want to without him approving. When Josh and I had some time, we could go and check out the stores together and buy things for the penthouse. I couldn't wait for the builders to be finished with the interior renovations so Josh and I could get in and start decorating.

Saturday night, Steph and I met Josh for dinner at a local steakhouse, but the mood was subdued because of Josh's worry about the investigation. My own enjoyment of the weekend was as well and even Steph noticed it. On Sunday, we did the whole horse and buggy ride around Central Park and tried to enjoy the last few hours before Steph left to go back to Concord, but the anxiety I felt over the allegations put a damper on my fun.

I went with Steph to Penn Station where she was catching a train back to Concord and said a sad goodbye.

"The next time I see you, it’ll be for the wedding," I said. "Get a dress for the wedding that you like and that you think suits you and send me the bill."

She gave me a big hug. "I had fun anyway. I know you were worried about Josh, but just getting away from home for the weekend was a great little holiday for me."

"Good," I said, and we hugged again. "I enjoyed it as much as I could, considering. Hopefully, this will all be cleared up soon and we can get back to normal."

She left me and went down the stairs to the platform and back to Concord.

I went back to the apartment and Josh.

* * *

Monday, Josh went to meet with the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors to discuss the case. I was on pins and needles all day, wondering what would happen. I just couldn't believe that Keith was guilty of money laundering or MBS of illegally evading taxes. I was sure they would use every legitimate means to reduce their tax burden, as all corporations did, but to do it illegally didn't sound like the MBS I had learned of, especially not with Josh Sr at the helm. It had to be a mistake or industrial espionage -- someone trying to hurt MBS because of competition or out of a desire for revenge after MBS did a particularly hard-hitting story on them.

Of course, I thought about my father's partner and so I called my father up, hoping to speak with him.

When I told him about the case, he sounded concerned.

"I've always been resentful of MBS's coverage of the case," my father said, "but I would never do anything about it. There are probably dozens of people who have been targets of MBS's investigative reports on crime and white-collar corruption. Probably a few organized crime types as well. I guess the investigation should turn it up, if the evidence is there."

"I hope so," I said and sighed. "It's just another thing that's put a damper on our wedding plans. I hoped we could enjoy the next couple of months without anything hanging over our heads, but until this case is settled one way or the other, it's going to be a really stressful time for Josh."

"I'll do some calling, see what I can find out through my contacts, but if I were you, I'd just hunker down and keep busy, keep making your plans, and try to forget about it as much as possible. I've done some reading about Josh, and he's a solid, good man."

"He is, Daddy," I said, feeling relief that my father had finally seemed to come around to respecting Josh, even if he didn't really like the idea I was marrying into Josh's family because of his history. "He's a really good man and I love him. He loves me. I hate to see him so stressed like this, especially since he just started as CEO of MBS and none of its skeletons are about him or anything he's done."

"I get that. Unfortunately, he's inherited the corporation with all its warts. He has to deal with it now. Just try to be stoical about it until you get more information."

"Daddy, you're a natural stoic but the rest of us aren't. It's hard to be stoical when the chaos is all about you and yours."

"It's hard, but it's the best course of action. Try to focus on what's important -- each other. Let the FBI and DOJ do their work. If Josh is innocent, I'm sure it will come out."

"Okay," I said and exhaled. "I hope you're right."

"I'll call and let you know what I find out."

"Thanks," I said, and we said goodbye.

* * *

I got a call from Josh after lunch and he seemed in somewhat of a better mood than earlier in the morning.

"Hey, sweetie, how are you?"

"Forget about me," I said, anxious to hear what happened with the meeting. "How did the meeting go?"

"We had a very good meeting with DOJ and FBI about the case. They were very interested in the hack and thought it was suspicious. Luckily, we reported the hack to the appropriate officials and so they were able to check with our story and confirm the details. Looks like it was maybe -- maybe -- someone trying to set us up. They're looking at their source more closely now, so things are looking up."

"Oh, Josh, I'm so glad to hear that," I said, and a sense of relief flooded through me. "How come they didn't already know about the hack?

"Government's huge and one part doesn't always talk to the other parts," he replied. "They know now, so hopeful

ly, this will be cleared up soon. I'm just glad they followed up on what we told them on Friday. Things are looking up with the case so I'm happy."