"That he was," I said and thought about my father, who owned every room he walked into. He had very big shoes and I knew I'd never really fill them.

"I'll come by Monday morning. Until then, try not to worry too much."

"I'll try."

He left and I sat alone in my office for a few moments, trying to figure out what the hell was going on and who had it in for me and MBS...



Friday night, after Steph and I went back to the hotel and lazed around, watching a movie on the movie channel and generally indulging ourselves in popcorn and candy, we went to bed with plans to shop until we dropped the next day.

Josh texted me late that night and it wasn't good news.

JOSH: Hey, how are you? Tired out after a day of shopping? Did you find anything you liked?

I smiled and texted back the photo of me in the dress I really liked.

JOSH: Oh, God, you look beautiful. Is that the dress?

ELLA: Maybe. We still have tomorrow to check out other stores, but it's one I liked the best.

JOSH: Well, it's beautiful. You look fantastic in it.

ELLA: How was your day? I missed snuggling with you and kissing you goodnight.

JOSH: Not so good. Remember I told you about the hack? The FBI Financial Crimes Unit sent someone over with a warrant to search Keith's office and take his computer and cell.

ELLA: Oh, my God, Josh! What???

JOSH: Suspicion of tax evasion and money laundering. He has to go down to the office next week and answer questions.

ELLA: What are you going to do? He's your CFO for Dominion, right? Has he been cooking the books?

JOSH: He says it could be linked to the hack that took place a few weeks ago. Maybe someone planted incriminating evidence or something. We'll find out this week when both of us meet with the FBI's investigators.

ELLA: I'm so sorry... Why didn't you call me and tell me?

JOSH: I didn't want to ruin your weekend with Steph. I trust Keith, and don't believe he was cheating Dominion, but until we get to the bottom of this, things are going to be tense.

ELLA: I wish I was there with you right now.

JOSH: I'm fine. You go to sleep and have a good day with Steph. I shouldn't have even told you about this, but we made a pact to always tell each other everything that's going on. I didn't want to break that deal so soon after we made it.

ELLA: No, Josh, it's good you told me. I want to know when something happens with you. No matter what it is. Always tell me, even if it might upset me. We're partners.

JOSH: We are. That's why I told you, even though I wish you didn't have to know. Try not to let it bother you too much. I don't want your weekend of fun and shopping with your bestie ruined.

ELLA: Don't worry. She and I have been through bad times and we've survived.

JOSH: Good. You better go to sleep now. Maybe we can meet for supper tomorrow.

ELLA: Sounds perfect. I love you. XOXOX

JOSH: I love you back. OXOXO

Then, I lay in bed and my mind went over everything -- the hack, the FBI visiting and taking Keith's computer and cell and files, the allegations of evading taxes and money laundering. It didn't seem right that Keith was cheating Josh out of money. They were friends in addition to being partners in the business. Keith was an executive for the publishing arm of MBS. It would be like me imagining that Steph was defrauding me.