I loved her too much to worry her needlessly.

I'd been wrong before about these matters, but I had a pretty good instinct for suspicious behavior.

I hoped I was wrong this time.

* * *

We drove to Concord on Christmas Eve, and arrived just before supper. The sky was overcast, and the lights in the city gave it a festive feeling.

"What's the protocol for the night? Will we be sleeping together? Will I be in the doghouse in the backyard?'

Ella reached over and took my hand. "I already spoke with Mom. She said she fixed up the spare room for you."

I laughed. "I guess that settles it."

"Yeah, she wouldn't mind personally, but it's my dad. He's a bit old fashioned in that way."

"What about when you move in with me? What will he do after that?"

"What do you mean, when I move in with you? You mean after we get married?"

I kissed her knuckles. "No. Before. I want us to find an apartment together, one that's our own."

She smiled. "Maybe we can save that for after we get married," she said softly.

"Why?" I asked, curious. "We spend every night together at the apartment. I want us to have our own place as soon as possible."

She smiled but didn't reply, glancing away at the scenery.

"Hey," I said and kissed her knuckles again. "What are you thinking? Tell me."

She shrugged. "I just got my apartment," she said. "I don't want to give it up just yet. It's good to have a place of my own. You know, until we actually do get married."

I looked back at the road, pondering this development. She was reluctant to move in with me before we were married. Was it old fashioned or was it fear of being left at the altar again?

"Whatever makes you happy," I said softly, squeezing her hand.

"When we set a date, we can start looking for a place for after we're married. How does that sound?"

"It sounds perfect," I said.

Perhaps I was rushing things with Ella. We had only known each other for less than four months, but we'd been very intense for most of that time. I didn't want to be apart from her if I could help it.

We drove up to her parent's place in Concord. Bridges House was a stately old Colonial two-story mansion set on eleven acres of land north of the city. Built in 1836, it had long been the Governor's residence. It smacked of history, and I looked forward to staying there, just to soak up some of my country's past.

As I drove up, Ella took my hand and squeezed. "Just relax. My dad is intense, but he knows how to make conversation, too. He's had a lot of years in politics and can BS along with the best."

"I'll try," I said, my voice cracking with mock fear.

Ella laughed and leaned over, giving me a kiss before we got out of the car. I went to the trunk and removed our suitcases, while Ella waited for me. Then, we went to the front door together and I cleared my throat so that the first words out of my mouth sounded strong and confident.

In other words, not a croak.

I didn't know Governor Carlson, but I knew one thing: he wouldn't respect me if I croaked at him or sounded the least bit hesitant.

The door opened before we even got to it and Ella's mother was there to welcome us, her arms open.

"There you are, you two!" she said, her voice full of emotion. "We're so glad you could make it. Come in, come in! Emmet is in the living room on the phone to someone or other." She gave Ella a big hug and kiss, and then came to me and gave me a big warm hug, too. When she was finished, she stood back and glanced over me, her gaze moving over me from head to foot. "You're taller than I imagined."