"This girl I fucked back before I met Ella? One after Christie and I split? She got a court ordered paternity test and named me as a potential father."

"What the fuck?" Keith said, his brow furrowed. "Who is she? Do I know her?"

"You and I were out at the WS Club and we both met these two really nice-looking women. Her name is Alicia Conroy, and you were with her friend, Marcy."

"Oh, I remember that night," Keith said, his voice trailing off. "Marcy was pretty hot. Brunette with big tits. We had a few dates, but nothing came of it. That's like the worst luck in the world."

"Yeah, my thoughts exactly."

"You had unprotected sex?"

I shook my head. "I always use a condom, but Krista kinda got on top of me before I could get one on and for a brief, very brief, three or four seconds, she sat on me. I stopped her and rectified the situation, but I guess she figures it was long enough for me to be the father. Anyway, I'm going down to a lab to get tested on Tuesday. I should know one way or the other by Friday next week."

"I can see why you were distracted today during the meeting."

"Yeah, it's kind of hard to focus when you're wondering if you're going to be a daddy to some woman you barely know."

"Does Ella know?"

"Yes," I said and took another sip. "I told her right away."

"How did she take it?" Keith asked, making a face of sympathy.

"She was perfect about it. No problem on that front," I replied, feeling relieved at how she dealt with it. "But still. It's kind of sucking the joy out of our plans for our wedding on Easter Saturday."

"I guess," Keith replied and we turned around and sat staring at the flatscreen for a moment in thought. "Maybe it won't be positive, and you can just put all this behind you."

"I hope so," I said. "But it sucks the big one and not in a good way that we even have to worry about it. At least the wait will be short."

"There's that. Nothing to do but cross your fingers or pray, if you're into that kind of thing."

"I'm not really the praying type, but I'm reconsidering. If it would help, I'd be on my knees in a flash."

"Well, I'm the praying type, so I'll put in a good word for you."

I smiled. "I can use all the help I can get."

The first beer finished, we ordered a second. That one went down pretty easily and so we ordered another. I checked my cell and saw that it was already close to seven thirty.

"I have to get back," I said and took a deep pull on my beer. "My lady love is fixing up some mean leftover Chinese takeout for supper. Don't want to keep her waiting. Plus, the game starts soon."

"Say hello to her for me. I think I'll stay and finish this one, watch some of the game."

"Okay," I said and went to the coat tree to grab my coat and scarf. I put them on and went back to Keith, who had turned around on his bar stool and was watching the flatscreen behind us. "Thanks for being a sounding board for my troubles," I said and patted him on the back.

He extended his hand and we shook. "Don't mention it. I consult on all matters of the heart, big or small."

"See you tomorrow," I said.

I left the bar, walking down the street towards the building and the love of my life. I needed the crisp night air to ward off some of the alcohol and was glad to have a do

zen blocks to walk to refresh myself after two and a half beers. I could hold my alcohol with the best of them, but they had been fast, and I knew my blood levels would be close to the line, so it was a good thing I didn't take my car.

I stared up at my building and saw the lights of the penthouse were on, the glow from inside a warm yellow.

Despite the impending chance of bad news, I felt incredibly happy to have Ella waiting for me.

I took out my cell and sent off a text to Ella, so she knew I was on my way home.