"Sorry," I said. "I was thinking of something else. What was the question?"

Keith cleared his throat and explained what he'd been talking about and repeated the question. I made sure to keep my focus for the rest of the meeting, pushing thoughts of Alicia and the baby out of my mind at least for the rest of the meeting.

When it was over, Keith came over to me as I was gathering up my materials.

"Hey, boss, do you want to get a drink and talk about whatever you were focused on in the meeting? We haven't been out for happy hour for weeks and weeks."

I exhaled and smiled at him. “You know, I'm glad you asked. I need a drink."

"Then I'm your man. I'll even buy the first round. Meet you downstairs? We should go to McNally’s since it's so close."

"McNally’s it is."

I went back to my office and after speaking with my assistant about the next day's work schedule, I grabbed my jacket and scarf, ready to go meet Keith for a drink. Before I left, I thumbed a message to Ella to let her know I'd be out for a drink with Keith.

JOSH: Hey, there, pretty lady. Just a text to let you know that I'm going to McNally’s for a beer with Keith and some commiseration about things. See you in an hour or so.

ELLA: Hey, handsome gentleman. Back at you. Have a nice time. I'll be fixing dinner in that case. Would you prefer leftover Chinese or leftover Chinese?

JOSH: I think I'd prefer leftover Chinese, if you wouldn't mind. See you in an hour or so.

ELLA: See you. XOXO


I put my cell away and took the elevator to the lobby, the stress of the day already seeping out of me with each foot the elevator traveled. When the elevator doors opened and I saw the fading light of day, the streetlights already switching on, I couldn't wait to get outside and walk in the cold air. The bar was about a dozen blocks away. It would revive me after a day spent inside stuffy offices and meetings.

On the street, I saw Keith ahead of me and so I ran to catch up with him.

"Good timing," I said when I reached his side.

He reached out and patted me on the back. "What's got you so distracted? You look like a man in need of a serious drink or two. "

"I am," I said and smiled. "Lots of stuff on my plate and a few are pieces of shit."

"That's no good. We'll remedy that with beer. I found it doesn't make the pieces of shit go away, but it does make them more bearable for a couple of hours."

We entered McNally’s and the noise of the patrons and the smell of beer and food put me in a good mood already.

Keith had his coat off already and hung it on a nearby coat rack, before grabbing a bar stool. I joined him, removing my coat and then sitting on his left. Behind us, the Knicks pre-game show played on a flatscreen, the talking heads showing highlights of previous games. The bartender came over right away and took our orders.

I watched while he grabbed the beers out of a cooler and removed the lids, placing them in front of us.

Keith and I both grabbed our beers and held them up in a toast to each other.

"To dealing with shit through alcohol," he said and gave me a grin.

"To alcohol," I replied. We each took a long draw at the beer and then I exhaled and closed my eyes, enjoying both the flavor of the imported beer and the cold feel of it rolling down my throat.

"Ahh," I said and took in a deep breath. "That's better. And this," I said and took another long pull. "This is even better."

"One of those nights, is it?" Keith asked. "Trouble with the little lady?"

I shook my head. "Ella? No. Not at all. She's fantastic. She's wonderful. It's another thing."

"What thing? You can tell me."

I chewed my lip, wondering if I could tell Keith. Then I figured -- what the hell. He's my only real friend outside of my brothers.