"Let's go to bed," Josh replied and stood, pulling me up with him.

"Good night you two lovebirds," David said. "See you for brunch tomorrow. Eleven o'clock. I'll do omelets tomorrow so if you want one, be up for then."

"Sounds great," I said and squeezed David's shoulder as I walked by. "Good night."

The other brothers said goodnight and we left the patio and went back to our rooms on the second floor. Once the door was closed behind us, Josh pulled me into his arms and gave me a warm kiss.

"I thought they'd never want to stop talking," he said and kissed my neck. "I have plans for you, Ms. Carlson."

I smiled while Josh kissed my throat, the feel of his body pressed against mine warming me up immediately.

"You have so many plans," I murmured as he pulled down the shoulder of my sundress and kissed the top of my breast.

"I do, and all of them involve multiple orgasms on your part."

I laughed softly. "You are such a braggart," I said and gasped when his lips tugged at my rapidly hardening nipple.

"But I always deliver," he replied, standing up and staring into my eyes.

"You do."

r /> He did.

* * *

The rest of our stay was more of the same -- spending time on the beach, eating great Mexican food from taco trucks on the side of the road, watching the surfers ride the waves, and generally decompressing after the busy fall we'd both had.

On the day before New Year's Eve, after Josh and I had finished packing, we went downstairs for supper.

When we entered the patio where the brothers were sitting around waiting for some food to be delivered, David stood with his hands on his hips, a sad expression on his face.

"You guys won't change your minds and stay for New Year's Eve?" he asked.

Josh sat on a lawn chair beside me. "We have plans to go to Time's Square for New Year's Eve, so we have tickets home tomorrow."

"Aww, damn," David said. "I thought we could have fun and watch the fireworks from my favorite vantage point."

"I'm staying," Christian said. "I'll be glad to go with you and watch."

Nash nodded. "Me, too. I'll go back to Phoenix when I'm recovered from the hangover that I know I'll have New Year's Day."

"Good," David said, apparently not wanting to have his little family get together end. "I like to have my bros with me at this time of year. I hate to see you two go, but I understand the appeal of Time's Square on New Year's Eve. Cold blistering wind, drunken crowds, security threats, you know. All that fun stuff."

He put his lip out in a fake pout.

"Maybe next year," Josh said and turned to me. "We'll spend Christmas here and stay for New Year's Eve."

"That's music to my heart," David said. "You guys will be married by then, right?"

Josh turned to me, his eyebrows raised. "We haven't set a date yet, but whatever the case, we'll be here."

"Have the wedding here," David said, his expression excited. "I'll host it at my place. We have enough room for your family to come and stay. I'd love to meet the Governor."

"We'll keep it in mind," I said with a laugh, glad that David was so happy about our engagement and forthcoming wedding. "It would be nice to have a winter wedding in a summer climate."

I turned to Josh and he smiled. "Whatever you want, I'm happy."

I went to David and kissed his cheek, which made him smile. "Thanks for the offer. We'll talk and consider it. We've already thought about some place exotic like Bora Bora or somewhere else in French Polynesia."