“What do you think? She told us she had a conflict of interest because she had a personal relationship with the attorney involved on the other side of the case. Or was that before she confessed that there’s a tape showing the two of you breaking into the new rec center?”

“She didn’t.”

“Oh, she did,” Mimi said. “Then Larry Jefferson demanded her resignation and Denise seconded it.”

He felt the blood drain from his face. “Please don’t tell me she quit her job.”

“No, but only because the two of us demanded that we put it to a vote,” said Mimi. “We’re reconvening first thing Monday morning. Jenna has the votes to stay, because it’s only Larry and Denise who want her gone. But unfortunately, Larry is threatening to go public with the whole debacle. Which wouldn’t look good for any of us. Not for Jenna and not for Zeke if he doesn’t press trespassing charges. It will look like a case of favoritism for a city employee.”

The door to the conference room opened, and Jenna walked out slowly with her head held high. Everyone in the lobby stopped what they were doing to stare at her.

She hugged Mimi and Pilar. “Thank you again. I couldn’t have gotten through that without your support.”

“Jenna, I’m so sorry,” Ben began. “What can I do?”

“Do?” Pilar mocked. “Haven’t you done enough?”

“It’s not his fault,” Jenna said. She gave him a sad little smile. “Isn’t that right, counselor? After all, you did warn me. No matter what it takes, you never lose.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Jenna dropped her forehead against her desk. “My career is over.” It was Sunday morning, and she’d come into the office to meet Mimi and Pilar to go over their strategy for tomorrow’s meeting. But so far, they hadn’t been able to come up with anything.

If Larry wanted to raise a stink about her trespassing on city property, there wasn’t much she could do about it. It was only a misdemeanor charge, but coupled with her trying to cover it up and her relationship with Ben, none of it looked good. She’d lost credibility, but more importantly, without Larry and Denise’s support, everything from now on would be an uphill battle. It would be in Whispering Bay’s best interest for her to quit so they could find a replacement.

Pilar sighed heavily. “I think the city manager position is cursed. First Doug, now you.”

Jenna raised her head up to look at Pilar. “Things must be bad if you’re comparing me to Doug Wentworth.”

Mimi gave Pilar a hard look. “I can’t help but think that maybe certain people might have lured you into this situation.”

“No, like I told Ben,” Jenna said, “I can’t blame anyone but myself here.”

“Mimi is right,” said Pilar dismally. “I should have never encouraged you to have a drink with that attorney. That’s what started this whole mess. I’m just as bad as he is. I wanted you to spy on him because I wanted the upper hand. I wanted to be known as the lawyer who beat Ben Harrison.” She put her hand up to wave off Jenna’s rising objection. “I know. It’s completely selfish and juvenile, but I never said I was perfect.”

“Maybe it’s not as dismal as we think,” Mimi said cautiously. “Recusing yourself from the vote was the professional thing to do. And we still have the meeting tomorrow to make Larry change his mind about you. Where Larry goes, Denise will follow. We just have to be really eloquent.”

“Ha! Good luck with that. I’ve loved working with both of you, but we all know that if my job depends on Larry Jefferson, then I’m out of here.”

* * *

Ben listened with extreme interest to everything Gavin was telling him. “Are you sure about this?”

“Positive, sir.”

“Because if you’re not—”

“Have I ever let you down before? Besides the Greta situation. I take complete responsibility for that. But all my information here is one hundred percent correct. I triple checked everything. Three times over. I know how important this is to you and Jenna. How is she by the way?”

“Currently not speaking to me.”

“Oh no. I hope this makes up for it. Please keep me in the loop, sir. She’s a very special lady, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is.” The information Gavin had just given him was the ammunition he needed to help them win her battle to stay on as city manager. But the battle for her heart? That was a tougher war. Jenna was right, though. No matter what it took, he never lost. And he didn’t plan on losing now. Not when she was the only win that really mattered in his life.

He was about to hang up when he remembered what Jenna had said to him about Gavin. He couldn’t care less whether Gavin was gay or straight, but if she was right about his personal assistant having some sort of infatuation for him, he’d have to cut that off at the knees.

“So, Gavin, did you do anything fun this weekend?”