Jenna immediately felt better about her odds here today.

“I don’t understand,” Pilar said. “Is Zeke here because he found out he’s not getting a new squad car?”

Zeke’s brows came together in displeasure. “The department’s not getting the new squad car I asked for?”

Before Jenna could answer, Larry and Gus showed up. “Looks like everyone is here so let’s get going,” Larry said like he was in charge of the world. “Time is money, people.”

Mimi threw her an apologetic look. “Best not get Larry riled up. We can talk after the meeting,” she said discreetly.

Damn it. She’d needed to talk to Mimi and Pilar before the meeting, not after. But what choice did she have?

They all marched into the boardroom where Denise was already waiting. Larry and Gus took their customary places facing one another across the table. After a minute or so, Ben came in, looking very lawyerly in a dark gray suit. She tried her best, but it was impossible to ignore him. Not when she could practically feel his gaze burning a hole through her. They briefly made eye contact. His dark eyes looked grave, and maybe just a little sad, too.

Jenna quickly looked away.

Mimi was about to call the meeting to order when Steve Pappas walked into the room.

“Oh, hello, Steve,” Mimi said, “I’m sorry, but we’re about to start a city council meeting.”

“I’m aware of that. Jenna called me this morning and asked me to be here.”

Pilar turned to her. “You asked both Steve and Zeke to the meeting?”

“I’m aware this is highly unusual, but I have something important to share with the city council and I think it’s vital that both Zeke and Steve hear it, too.” She could feel Ben’s gaze on her, hard and questioning. But he didn’t get a say in what happened here today. Not anymore.

Larry made a great big harrumphing sound, catching everyone’s attention. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Pilar leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I hope he doesn’t start expectorating or anything.”

Jenna forced a smile because that’s what she’d normally do.

“Thank you, Larry,” Mimi said. “Before we begin our meeting I’d like to introduce Ben Harrison, the attorney representing Nora and Vince Palermo in the suit against the city. He’d like to say a few words on behalf of his clients.”

Ben stood. “Thank you for allowing me to be here today.” He began by outlining Nora’s case against the city, going over the key points of the depositions made by witnesses in their favor. His voice was rich and deep, almost hypnotic. His presentation short and sweet. And brilliantly persuasive. It was the first time Jenna had seen him in action and she had to admit, she was impressed. He concluded with a brief summary of what his clients planned to do with the land if they should win, and how it would benefit the city.

Jenna glanced around the room, trying to gauge the reaction. Everyone was riveted. Even Gus, who was staunchly against accepting the offer, was leaning forward in his seat with an odd expression on his face.

“Thank you, Mr. Harrison,” said Mimi. “We’ll certainly take your points into consideration. If you and your clients would like to know the results of today’s vote, you’re more than welcome to wait in the lobby until we conclude our meeting.”

Ben nodded cordially to the members of the city council, then as he was walking out the door he briefly caught her eye with a look that seemed almost to be warning her. It was as if he knew what she was going to do.

Jenna took a deep breath for courage.

“If you’re not all convinced after that, then I don’t know what will sway you,” Larry said.

“Thank you for that succinct review of Mr. Harrison’s presentation, Larry,” Mimi said. “Normally, at this point we’d begin the meeting, but…” She looked to her husband and Steve. Both men had been patient up till now but they also looked like they were ready to find out what they’d been summoned for.

Jenna stood on wobbly legs. She could do this. “Let me explain why I’ve asked both Police Chief Grant and Steve Pappas to come here today. I have something to say to the council members and they need to hear it as well, so in order to save time I thought it was best if everyone involved is present.”

“Well now, you’ve certainly got my attention,” Zeke said.

“I want to begin by thanking everyone for the wonderful support I’ve been given since taking over as city manager. This job is a dream come true for me, and I want you to know that this city’s best interests are my number one concern.”

“Sounds like she’s planning to run for mayor next,” Larry whispered to Denise loud enough for everyone to hear. Denise just shrugged.

“Some of you are aware that I’ve had grave concerns about the enormous cost in building the new rec center, to the point that I became a little OCD about it. But to be honest, I tend to be a little OCD about a lot of things.”

“I can vouch for that,” Larry grumbled.