She snorted in disbelief. “Bullshit. You didn’t tell me because you were afraid I was going to think there was something going on between you two.”

“There is absolutely nothing going on between Tiffany and me.”

“That’s where you’re dead wrong. There’s everything going on between you two. Everything that really counts anyway.” He opened his mouth to speak but she put her hand up. “Oh, I know it’s not romantic. You said you were just friends, and I believe you. But she knows the real Ben Harrison. I only know the guy you want me to know.”

He could feel everything slipping away. This wasn’t how he wanted to tell her, but he had no choice. He had to lay all his cards on the table. “You know why I’m here? I’m here to tell you that I’m falling in love with you and that I want us to be together. I’ve never said that to another woman, Jenna. Not ever.”

For a second, there was something in her eyes that made him think it was all going to be okay, but then she shook her head, and it was like she was shaking him out of her life. “I’m sorry, Ben, but you’re about thirteen years too late.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“The way you say you feel about me? That’s how I felt about you thirteen years ago, and you completely shut me out, and that’s okay because I got over it. Eventually. But then you came back into my life…and you made me feel the same way all over again. I’m not falling in love with you, Ben, I am in love with you, and I thought this time we might have a chance, but then it happened all over again. Yesterday you shut me out again. Only it hurt ten times more than it did the first time. But I’m not going to lose my temper and yell. I’m not even going to cry, because I did all my crying last night.”

“That’s it? One mistake and we’re done? You’re not even going to give me another shot?”

“Yesterday, I needed you more than I’ve ever needed anyone in my life. And you weren’t there for me. If you were out of town on business or were in the hospital or anything else that made sense, I’d be fine with that because I’m a big girl and I can take care of my own mistakes. But…” She shook her head. “I can’t talk about this anymore. I just can’t. I have to take a shower and pull myself together for the city council meeting. Please, just leave.”

Her bottom lip quivered like she was trying hard not to cry. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. He’d envisioned coming over here and telling her how he felt about her and then…riding off into the damn sunset or whatever else was supposed to happen when two people were in love.

“I’m not going to leave until I fix this. Is this about the video? Gavin is—”

“It’s not about the video. It’s about the fact that for some reason you don’t trust me enough to let me into your life. And that’s okay. I know you’re a good guy, Ben. You’re just not a good guy for me.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jenna wore a navy blue power suit with matching heels and a white silk shirt with pearls. If she was going to go down, then she might as well go down looking her best. Kate would have it no other way. But she didn’t plan to fail today. She’d worked too long and too hard to just give up. All she had to do was stick to the plan. It would work. Because it had to.

Mimi and Pilar found her walking up and down the hallway in front of her office. “Are you all right?” Mimi asked. “Darlene said you sounded sick on the phone.”

“I’m fine,” Jenna said. “But I need to talk to both of you before the meeting. In private.”

Pilar made a face. “This sounds bad.”

“It might be.”

They were about to walk

into her office when she spotted Ben talking to Nora and Vince Palermo in the lobby. They were huddled, like they were discussing strategy. “What’s going on?” she asked Mimi.

“Ben asked if he could speak on behalf of his clients before the vote. It only seemed fair that we let him.”

“I see.” The scene this morning with Ben was something she didn’t want to think about. Today was the most important day in her career. It would make her or break her. She had to do hold it together for the next two hours. Then she could fall apart. But not now.

Don’t look at him. As long as you don’t look at him, you’ll be okay.

But it was hard to forget what they’d said to one another. Especially what he’d said.

I’m here to tell you that I’m falling in love with you and that I want us to be together. I’ve never said that to another woman, Jenna. Not ever.

How many times had she dreamed of Ben saying that to her? Too many to count. She’d come so close to throwing herself into his arms, but in the end, it came down to one thing. He didn’t trust her enough to share his life with her. His real life.

Mimi glanced at her watch. “We have about five minutes before the meeting starts so—Zeke, what are you doing here?”

Jenna whipped around to see Whispering Bay’s chief of police walking up behind her.

“Ladies,” Zeke said greeting all three of them with a smile. “I’m here because Jenna called and asked me to come to the meeting today.” He looked at Jenna. “Or did I get the wrong message?”

“No, you got the right message. Thank you for coming.” She studied his face, but there was nothing in his polite, friendly manner that would make her think he’d seen the video. Or, if he had seen it, then maybe Ben was right. It was too dark to make anything out clearly. And the footage was only visual. No audio involved. If it was too dark to see anything and they couldn’t hear what was going on, it would be impossible to identify them.