“Did you get Pat all packed up?”

He nodded. “We stayed till midnight while Rachel slept on the couch, but it’s done. We didn’t get back here till almost one.”

“No wonder I didn’t hear you come in.” She opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a carton of eggs and a bowl of fresh fruit. “Want an omelet?”

“No thanks. I’m waiting for my cell to charge up so I can check my messages. Gavin was supposed to call me with an update. You haven’t heard from him, have you?”

“On the new half-way house?”

He hesitated. “No. He’s working on something personal.”

Tiffany turned to look at him. “Oh?”

He shrugged. Tiffany was probably the closest thing he had to a best friend. She’d find out about Jenna sooner or later. He just wasn’t sure how to begin. There’s this girl…

“So you’re probably wondering why I showed up on your doorstep yesterday morning. No worries, I’m not a permanent houseguest. As a matter of fact, I need to head back to Miami this afternoon.”

“Stay as long as you like. You don’t need an invitation with me.”

“I know but I always feel so needy around you. For once I want to be the one who helps you and not the other way around. I don’t want you to think I came up here because I couldn’t handle something on my own.”

“You’re not that girl anymore. You’re a smart, capable woman. And a great business partner and friend.”

“God, you’re good for my ego.”

Ben smiled ruefully. No matter how much fame or money Tiffany had, she was still that scared girl who thought she was never good enough. “We make a good team.”

“Yes, we do. Which brings me to why I’m here. I had to tell you in person. I’ve met someone. Well, it’s someone you know, actually.”

“Fred Dawson,” he automatically said. She dropped her jaw in an exaggerated way that made him chuckle. “I saw the way the two of you looked at one another at the last board meeting. I figured it was just a matter of time before you told me.”

Fred Dawson was a family counselor who acted as a liaison to their foundation. He was in his late thirties, wore glasses and had a bit of a paunch around the middle. He was also one of the nicest guys Ben had ever met. And completely perfect for Tiffany.

“We’ve only been seeing each other a couple of months, but we’re already talking marriage.” Her eyes softened. “And babies.”

“He’s a lucky guy.”

“I’m a lucky girl. And since you’re the closest thing I have to either a father or a brother, he wants to officially ask your permission for my hand.”

“Do guys still do that?”

“Apparently so.” She sighed. “I think it’s adorable.”

He hugged her. “I’m happy for you, kid.”

“Thanks! You know what they say. The third time’s a charm.”

“So will I be doing the prenup?” he asked.

She popped a grape into her mouth. “It’s strange, this time I’m the one with the money. Not that he’s a pauper or anything. Fred does really well for himself, but…”

“But he’s not in your league.”

“Not financially, no.” She held his gaze. “Would you think I was crazy, as a friend and as the world’s best attorney, if I told you I don’t want a prenup?”

Ben smiled. “Good for you.”

She laughed. “Love makes you do crazy things, huh?”