The last few days had shown him what life with Jenna would be like. She was stubborn, competitive, driven. He was all those things, too. It’s what had initially attracted him to her all those years ago. But she also had a soft side that complemented his harder edge. She was kind, funny, protective, and she wasn’t afraid to give him crap when he deserved it. In other words, she was perfect for him.

She had to know just how much he was into her. He’d shaken her hand and agreed to be friends. But he and Jenna could never just be friends. Or even just friends with benefits. There was too much of everything between them.

A long time ago, he’d chalked up their failed relationship to bad timing.

Thirteen years later, the timing was still bad.

But he wanted her. And this time he had the money and resources to make it happen. So what if they lived eight hours apart? He’d buy a private plane and have his own personal pilot on standby. They could spend every weekend together. If they wanted to, they could make it work. And he wanted to.

* * *

Jenna had never been inside a correctional facility before. She’d put on a good show for Ben, trying to act cool about the whole thing, but the truth was she’d gotten out of the car with the sour sensation that she’d eaten too many strawberry Twizzlers. Luckily this place was nothing like she’d seen on Law and Order reruns. The man sitting across from her at the table didn’t have any scary neck tattoos or a grill in his teeth. Just the opposite. Doug Wentworth was a mildly attractive thirty-something accountant in an orange jumpsuit.

“Thank you for seeing me,” she said.

“I have to admit to being curious about the woman who took my place.” He smiled like he was embarrassed. “I feel like I owe you an apology. Normally before leaving a job, I’d make sure everything was in complete order. Unfortunately, I didn’t have that luxury. I hope someone at least had the decency to clear out my desk for you.”

She hesitated, not sure if she should go with what she’d planned. He seemed so normal. Nothing like the sleazy thief she’d been expecting. But that could easily be an act. He’d stolen the festival money to make Mimi look bad because he was in cahoots with the former mayor. Plus, there was all that business at his old job. According to Pilar, there was no evidence of his embezzling, but there was more than enough suspicion to make the city of Old Explorer’s Bay give him the boot.

In her experience, where there was smoke, there was fire. She’d never played the ditzy redhead before, but she’d do it if it meant getting to the truth.

“Oh! Everything was left perfectly fine. I came here because I read your deposition and I was curious about a few things.”

“If there’s anything I can clear up, then by all means, just ask.”

Jenna tried for a sweet smile. “First, I have to say just how much I admire you for owning up to your mistakes. Your confession was very inspiring.”


She nodded. “When I heard that it was Jesus who showed you the way, well, I’m just very sorry that you’re in this awful place. I hope they’re treating you all right.”

“I can’t complain,” he said, smiling to reveal a row of perfect white teeth. They had to be caps because no one’s teeth were that perfect.

“So old Earl really wanted to change his will back in Nora’s favor?” she asked.

“I’m afraid so. I tried to talk him out of it, and I suppose I succeeded since he never got around to changing the will, and I do feel quite guilty about that. A father should be allowed to let his child know how much he cared for them.”

“I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but Nora has offered to drop her suit against the city if we compromise and split her daddy’s land. The city council is voting on it at the end of the week. And, as of now, I’m not sure which way I’m going to vote.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. She was ninety-nine point nine percent certain she was voting no, so that still left the point one in question.

“Ah. It’s quite the dilemma you have there.”

“Yes, quite. I have to admit, I’d be more likely to vote in favor of Nora’s offer if it wasn’t for my personal dislike of the attorney representing her.” She blinked, then widened her

eyes. “Oh! That’s not very professional of me. Please, forget I said that.”

“No, I’ve met Ben Harrison. I know exactly what you mean.”

She feigned relief. “So it’s not just me?”

“The man’s an arrogant ass. Pardon my French.”

“Agreed!” She giggled, then tried for a somber look. “I realize I don’t know you at all, but it’s clear from reading your deposition that you’re someone who cares deeply for this city. I was hoping…that is, if you were still the city manager, how would you vote?”

He frowned, like he was mulling it over. “As much as I dislike Harrison, I’d have to set aside my opinion of him and do what was right. I’m afraid there really is no choice. For all the obvious reasons, I’d have to vote yes.”

She nodded eagerly. “I’m so glad to hear you say that! It’s exactly what I was thinking.”

He smiled. “It’s really too bad that we had to meet like this. But please, feel free to come back anytime you need my advice. On anything.” He lowered his voice. “I don’t have any guarantees, but my lawyer said that with my excellent record coupled with my confession, he’d be surprised if I have to do any more time.”