Her expression softened. “Did you mean it when you told him to buy the company if he had to? Because, I have to tell you, Ben, that is just so…sexy.”

“I never say anything unless I mean it.”

She inhaled sharply. Her eyes seemed to go even bluer, as if that was possible.

“I did tell you that my mother is staying the night with Rachel?”

“Only four times now.” She took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

Chapter Twenty-One

Monday slithered into Tuesday which dragged into Wednesday and despite Ben’s reassurances that Gavin was on top of things, they were still no closer to getting their hands on that video footage. On the other hand, they hadn’t been arrested for indecent exposure (the legal term in Florida for having sex in public), so things weren’t all bad.

The past few days had been…interesting. During business hours, she continued to do her thing and Ben did his. But once Rachel was tucked away for the night, he’d slip over to her house and the two of them would go at each other like a couple of horny teenagers.

They’d been careful not to get too personal, however. It was like an unspoken taboo. They talked about sports, travel, what she liked in bed (the usual), what he liked in bed (almost everything), and of course, the situation with the sex tape (mostly her, obsessing about it).

They didn’t talk about his drinking problem, Tiffany McAdams, Jake or any other member of his family. And they most certainly didn’t discuss her theory on Doug Wentworth or the situation with Earl Handy’s will.

“Where does your mother think you are right now?” Jenna had asked last night. They’d stayed up watching Jimmy Fallon on late night TV and eating popcorn.

“She hasn’t said anything, but she’s a smart woman. I’m sure she’s figured it out.”

Jenna had chewed on her popcorn thoughtfully. Pat was smart all right, but she also wanted to see the two of them end up together. Which, no, wasn’t going to happen. This thing between them was just for fun and temporary. He was still going back to Miami, and she was still going to stay here in Whispering Bay.

She’d considered telling Ben about her conversation with Pat at The Bistro. The one that involved her having red-headed grandchildren. “I hope your mom doesn’t get disappointed.”

“Why would she be disappointed?”

She didn’t think she had to spell it out for him, but apparently she did. “I just hope she doesn’t think this is more than what it is.”

He hadn’t responded, so she’d shrugged it off. She had her own mother to deal with. Which she was currently doing at the moment. Jenna was in her office, still waiting to hear from her friend about the audit, when her mother called.

“Any news on the Ben the lawyer situation?” Mom asked.

Lots. But none you’d want to hear about. “Not really. We’re just friends, Mom.”

“Friends don’t give each other love bites.”

True. “Mom, I’ve told you before, when, and if, there’s anything to tell you about my love life, you’ll be the first to know. I promise.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know the drill.”

She’d just hung up with Mom when Mimi and Pilar strolled into her office and made themselves comfortable.

“So,” Pilar began, “I reached out to Ben Harrison about Nora’s offer and asked if we could do a twenty-five, seventy-five split.”

“And?” Jenna asked, although she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

“He all but laughed in my face.”

“Yeah.” Jenna thought about how to best bring up this next topic. Without sounding too suspicious. “Mimi, what happens to all the video from the company who does our security surveillance for the city?”

“We Gotcha, Inc?”

“Yeah, that’s them,” Jenna said trying to sound very nonchalant about the whole thing. “I mean, how does all that work?”

“I don’t know. I guess someone watches it and if there’s anything suspicious going on they call the police department.”