“What time is it?” Ben asked.

“Um, it’s almost one in the morning.”

“Shit. Sorry about that.”

“Not a problem, but hold on one moment, sir.” There was a rustling sound, then Gavin came back on the phone. “Tell me what I can do for you.”

“There’s a video surveillance company called We Gotcha, Inc. They provide security coverage for the city of Whispering Bay. I need you to contact them ASAP and get the footage taken at the new rec center that’s under construction. Anything they have between eleven pm and midnight tonight.”

“I’m on it, sir.”

Jenna stopped pacing. “Ask for Stuart Malloy,” she called out. “He’s the guy in charge.”

“Um…did I just hear a woman’s voice, sir?”

“Gavin, meet Jenna Pantini. Jenna, this is Gavin Porter.”

“Hi, Gavin. I’m so sorry we had to wake you up, but this is an emergency.”

“I have to say, that is…um, hello, Ms. Pantini. And no need for an apology, this is what I live for.”

Really? “I see. And please, call me Jenna. Can I ask how long you’ve worked for Ben?”

“Three months, four days and ten hours now.”

“You like your job? Be honest. Is Ben an ogre?”

There was dead silence.

“Feel free to tell her the truth, Gavin,” Ben said.

“I always tell the truth, sir. To answer your question, Jenna, Mr. Harrison is an excellent employer. I’ve learned more from him in the short time we’ve been together than I did in my entire M.B.A. program.”

“You have an M.B.A.?”

“From the University of Chicago. I graduated on a Saturday and went to work for Mr. Harrison first thing Monday morning.”

“The University of Chicago? That’s really impressive.” Jenna looked confused. “Let me get this straight. You went to work for Ben as his personal assistant? After completing your M.B.A.?”

“I know what you must be thinking. Normally, you’d need at least a few years’ experience before landing a dream job like this, but luckily Mr. Harrison was willing to take a chance on me.” There was a pause. “I don’t mean to brag, but I beat out fifty-two other very qualified candidates for this position,” he added proudly.


“Oh yes. I know this because my first assignment was to contact all of them and tell them they didn’t get the job. But enough about me, how do you happen to know Mr. Harrison?”

Ben had never heard Gavin sound so friendly. He should probably put an end to this budding chumminess, but he was curious to hear Jenna’s answer.

“We met in college.”


“U. of M.”

“I don’t know much about Mr. Harrison’s undergraduate days. So the two of you were…friends?”

“More like study partners.” She gave Ben the side eye. “If wasn’t for me, he’d probably have flunked calculus.”
