She laughed nervously. “Oh, yeah, I see what you mean.”

“Any more objections?”

About a dozen of them.

“I have a feeling it’s going to be really uncomfortable and totally messy, if it even works at all. I mean, it looks great in the movies, but do you have any real time experience here? Having sex against a wall?”

He hesitated. “Yes.”

“Okay. Glad to know one of us knows what they’re doing.”

He laughed. Dark and rich and rumbly sounding, sending a thrill all the way down to her toes. Then he kissed her, and it felt as if all that deliciousness that was him was somehow being transferred into her.

Slipping down her leggings, he pulled her panties along with them until they bunched around her ankles. His finger easily found the little nub aching to be stroked. It didn’t take her long to get ready. He unzipped his jeans and handed her the condom. When she was finished rolling it onto his erection, he brought his hands under her legs and lifted her, steadying her against the side of the building. She wrapped herself around him. Then he locked eyes with her and thrust. From this angle he was completely one hundred percent spot-on.

“Oh my God, Ben, yes. Right there. Please, do that again.”

“Don’t worry,” he rasped against her neck. “I plan to.”

Somehow he managed to support her weight while hitting that place where everything seemed to come together over and over again until she screamed out his name. Then he repositioned her slightly, spreading her thighs wider to come in deeper and it started all over again.

Five minutes or five hours later, Jenna wasn’t sure, her legs were still wrapped around his waist and her hands were tangled in his hair. She wanted to stay like this forever. Especially since she was pretty sure her legs would turn to jelly if she stood on her own.

“You okay?” She opened her eyes to see Ben looking at her with tender concern.

She nodded. “How about you?”

“Never been better.” He gently helped her lower her feet to the ground. Then he stretched out his back and grimaced. “Maybe I’ve been better.”

They both laughed.

“Ben, that was…that was—”

“Yeah, it was,” he said quietly. “For me, too.”

So where do we go from here? She wished she had the courage to say that out loud. She pulled up her leggings and was trying to do something with her hair when she caught sight of a small black… No.

When she was able to find her voice again, it sounded eerily calm, considering. “Ben?” She pointed up to the corner of the wall. “I’m pretty sure we just had sex in front of a security camera.”

Chapter Twenty

“There’s no reason to panic,” Ben said watching Jenna pace back and forth in her small living room. After discovering the security camera, he’d followed her back to her townhouse, where she’d showered and changed into an oversized sleep shirt that came down to mid-thigh. Her hair was still damp, and she wore striped purple knee socks. He was beginning to think she could be wearing a garbage bag and he’d still want her.

“We had sex on camera, Ben. For all we know we could end up on some porn channel!”

“We’re not going to end up on a porn channel or anywhere else for that matter.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“I told you, I’m going to take care of it.”

“What? You have experience here, too? Don’t tell me you’ve been taped having sex and got rid of the evidence before?”

He gave her a look that stopped her from pacing. “Okay,” Jenna said. “Sorry, that was probably uncalled for.”

“I’m going to get my personal assistant on this. He’s actually pretty good.” He got out his cell phone, punched in Gavin’s number and placed him on speakerphone.

“What do you need, sir?” Gavin sounded half asleep.