He stilled, not sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

“I like you. I mean, yes, obviously I really really like you. And I think it’s terrific how you’re helping with Rachel. And even though you’re the bad guy in this scenario I believe that you believe that what you’re doing is in the best interest of your client, so I guess I really can’t fault you for anything you’ve done. Even though you’re wrong.”

She stopped pacing again. This time she turned to face him. “Which brings me to the fact that you’re only here temporarily. Soon you’ll be gone, and I’ll be left here to keep doing my own thing.”

“What are you saying exactly?”

“Don’t mess with me, Ben.”

“I would never—”

“Hurt me? And I would never want to hurt you. But as much as I’d love to go back to my place right now, I think we should call it a night because you’re not interested in anything more than sex. And I need more than that.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Damn it. He hated that she was right. In a few weeks, he’d be gone. He worked twelve-hour days and his focus needed to be on Rachel right now. He didn’t have time for a relationship, let alone a long-distance one.

She smiled sadly. “I really hope everything works out with Rachel and your mom and the move. Last night was terrific. A plus. Home run and all that jazz. But let’s not drag this out, okay?” She stuck her hand out. “Friends?”

It felt wrong. But what choice did he have?

Reluctantly, he put his hand in hers. “Friends.”

Chapter Seventeen

The next morning, Jenna woke up bright and early to get in her run. It was Saturday and north Florida must have gotten the memo that it was now October because the weather had finally cooled off, dropping the overnight temperatures into the low fifties.

She grabbed a light jacket to slip over her T-shirt then headed south on Beach Street. With a picture perfect postcard view of the sparkling blue water of the gulf on her left and Whispering Bay’s quaint downtown to her right, she jogged along the side of the road, enjoying the beautiful brisk fall weather.

Normally, fall days made her happy. In about four hours, television coverage of college football would begin. She planned to spend the day in front of the TV, then later this evening she’d go to Aunt Viola’s house to watch the big FSU-Miami game. All in all, a nice lazy day to unwind after a hard week of work.

But instead of feeling happy, like she normally would, all she could think about was the conversation she’d had with Ben last night.

On the one hand, she was proud of herself for knowing what she wanted out of a relationship. But on the other hand… Yesterday she’d admitted to herself that she was only a minute away from falling in love with him all over again. Which was crazy. He’d been in town less than two weeks. Plus, he really wasn’t her type. Sure, physically, maybe. Because who didn’t like tall, dark and handsome?

But the rest of him? He was greedy, arrogant, secretive.

But he could also be kind and funny. And there was something so incredibly sexy about the tender way he was with Rachel.

Oh boy.

She’d been right to go home alone last night. In a little while, he’d be gone and he’d forget she even existed. As for her? Work would keep her busy. That’s right. She’d work and jog and keep up the good fight right here in Whispering Bay.

Colbie Caillat’s song “Bubbly” came up on her playlist. Now that should put her in a good mood. She was singing along to the chorus when her phone pinged. If this was Larry, she’d tell him to go take a long walk off a short pier. Or not. She prepared herself for the worst and automatically answered. “Jenna Pantini here.”

“Please tell me it was Ben the lawyer who gave you the hickey.”


“Who else? Thank God I have Viola there to keep me in the loop.”

/> “I can explain,” Jenna said.

“No need for explanations. I know where hickeys come from. The question is, what’s going on with you and the hottie from Miami? Besides some obvious hanky-panky. Not that I blame you. Those brown eyes of his could melt an icecap.”

Hanky-panky? Wait. A little sliver of dread shot up her spine. “How do you know Ben’s a hottie… I mean, how do you know what he looks like?”

“Because I did what any self-respecting mother with a single thirty-something-year-old daughter who doesn’t tell her anything would do. I checked out his picture on Google. Too bad he doesn’t have a Facebook page or one of those Instagram thingies. You can always find out so much about people that way.”