“It isn’t?” Mimi said, searching Ben out in the crowd.

“No, it isn’t. He’s here for one thing only. To cause trouble.”

“It looks like he’s minding his own business to me,” Mimi said.

“Sure,” Pilar said. “He’s innocent as a lamb. Not.”

Mimi arranged some note cards then leaned down into the mic. “Testing one, two, three…”

“We can’t hear you!” someone in the audience shouted.

A maintenance person came over to check out the problem. He picked up the mic and turned it in his hands. “Looks okay to me. Let me make sure there isn’t a blown fuse.”

They were waiting for the audio to be fixed when Jenna noticed Mimi staring at her neck. Her hand automatically flew up to her throat. Blast. She’d forgotten to touch up her foundation before the meeting.

“Your mosquito bite needs some freshening up,” said Mimi.

“Yeah, it definitely needs something,” Pilar said. “I think it’s grown from this afternoon.”

“I know what you’re both thinking, but Larry is wrong. This is not a hickey!” she hissed.

“Hey! The mic’s working so can we start the meeting?” someone shouted.

Aunt Viola looked at her from the front row in horror.

Pilar made a face.

“Sorry,” Mimi whispered.

I will not look at Ben. I will not look at Ben.

Jenna slunk to her seat next to Gus, and Mimi called the meeting to order. “As many of you are aware the city has spent the past few years working on bringing you a new, state-of-the-art recreational center. I’m thrilled to announce that we’re on schedule for a grand opening this November 1.”

This was met with a strong round of applause and some cat calling.

Mimi then talked about a few other projects the city had in the works. The same man who Jenna had met at the preschool the other day asked about the stop sign he wanted put up, and Mimi said they’d consider doing a study on the feasibility of the project, which seemed to satisfy him for now.

From her foldout chair behind the podium, Jenna’s view of the audience was partially obscured except for the section of the audience where Ben sat. Of course she’d have a clear line of vision directly to him.

While she tried her hardest to pay attention to what Mimi was saying, she couldn’t help but keep sneaking peeks at him. His gaze, however, remained focused straight ahead as if he was totally engrossed in the meeting.

“And that concludes my presentation for tonight,” Mimi said into the mic. If anyone has any questions—”

“Yeah, I have a question.” Jenna recognized him as the manager from the local dry cleaning store. “What’s this we hear about Earl Handy’s will being no good?”

“Is it true Nora is getting old Earl’s land back and that she’s gonna sell it to Ted Ferguson so he can build condos?” asked someone else.

Pilar marched herself up to the podium. “I’d like to address this,” she said, taking the mic from Mimi, who looked more than happy to give it to her.

“As most of you are aware, Earl Handy bequeathed the city a large amount of beachfront property, a very generous gift that the city is extremely grateful for. It’s a matter of public record that his daughter, Nora Palermo, is contesting the will. However, there has been absolutely no resolution in this matter.”

“Is that fancy lawyer talk to mean that this could take years?” someone called out.

Mimi took the mic back from Pilar. “If you’d like to say something,” she said authoritatively, “please rise and identify yourself.”

“Fine.” The man stood up as instructed. “My name is Frank Billings, and I’m about to invest in some property over in Destin to build an ice cream shop, but if there’s a shot I can build my place right here in Whispering Bay, then I’d like to know that.”

“Ice cream on the beach!” one woman squealed. “When can you open?”