It was time for her to take charge.

Leveraging herself on the couch, she reversed their positions. She hiked up her dress to straddle his hips, then leaned down to kiss him, nibbling along the column of his strong throat, laying kisses over his chest and working her way down to his—

“That’s enough.” He gripped her shoulders, forcing her to stop and look into his eyes. “Either we go to bed right now or we say good-night.” His hard gaze emphasized his ultimatum.

“Well, when you put it that way.”

Chapter Fourteen

A blast of sunlight hit her directly in the eyes. Jenna cracked open a lid, then blinked. The most gorgeous sunrise she’d ever seen stared back at her through a huge floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. The sheets beneath her felt silky and expensive and… Where was she? She turned in the bed to find herself next to a sleeping man.

Make that a sleeping naked man.

Memories of last night came flooding back to her.

She’d had sex with Ben. Not just not once. But twice.

No, make that three times if you counted the hot tub, which yes, definitely counted.

The bedside clock illuminated the time. It was almost seven and she needed to be at work early today.

She made her way to the bathroom where her blue dress hung neatly on the closet door. She didn’t remember hanging up her dress, so Ben must have done that. Awfully considerate of him, especially under the circumstances.

After they’d made out on the living room couch, he’d given her a choice. Leave or have sex. It had been a no-brainer. Within seconds, they’d ripped off each other’s clothes. They didn’t wait for the bed that first time, and Ben hadn’t lived up to his “more than five minutes of foreplay” bragging either, but he’d made up for it the second time. And the third.

Given their history, last night had probably been inevitable.

She splashed water on her face, then quickly brushed her teeth (after everything they’d done to each other, she didn’t think he’d mind sharing his toothbrush). She slipped yesterday’s blue dress back on and gave herself a quick once over in the mirror.

Her hair was out of control, her lips were swollen and…oh no. There was a giant red blob on her neck. Blast her pasty, freckly, red-headed skin! She’d have to wear a scarf to work. Or maybe she could pass it off as a bug bite. Yes. This was Florida. She could definitely pass the blob off as a mosquito bite.

She searched the bathroom, looking for a rubber band or anything else she could use to pull her hair back, but there was nothing. Just miles of empty marble countertop. The bathroom was ginormous, something that had vaguely registered in her head last night. The whole house was like something out of one of those HGTV shows for millionaires. Gulf-side views, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen.


In other words, a fantasy. A vacation home. Something you rented for a week or two, then it was back to reality.

Just like last night. Eating pancakes, laughing and watching TV with Rachel, the sex, and then falling asleep in Ben’s arms. That too was just a fantasy. In a few weeks, he’d be back to his regularly scheduled life in Miami.

And she would still be here in Whispering Bay.

She scooped up her heels and tiptoed by the bed, but it wasn’t necessary. Ben was in a deep, hard sleep, completely and totally out. She turned to take one last look at him, his big naked body sprawled on top of the sheets.

Take a picture, girl, because you’ll probably never see anything this gorgeous again.

* * *

“It’s about time you called me back,” Kate grumbled. “I know you have a big job but it’s a sad day when you can’t spare a minute to at least text your best friend.”

“I know and I’m sorry,” Jenna said trying to sound humble.

“Usually when you don’t call me back it’s because you don’t want me to know what’s going on. So how did your drinks date go with Ben last week? Did you wear the white jeans like I told you to?”

“Yes, and as usual you were right. Definitely better than wearing a work suit.”

“How is he?” Kate asked. “Did you find out about the daughter?”

“Don’t get all big-headed on me, but you were right about that, too. Ben doesn’t have a daughter. Rachel is his niece.” She went on to fill Kate in on the whole story, including the events of thirteen years ago.