She immediately felt herself flush. Great rat balls of fire. That little double entendre hadn’t exactly been planned. Even in the dark, she could see the amused expression on his face. Why did she always feel like an unsophisticated ninny around this man?

“What I meant to say is—”

“I know what you meant. You think I’m feeding you a load of bullshit.”

“Your words, not mine. But, yeah. After tonight, my bullshit meter is pretty much on overload.”

“If you keep an open mind then you have to admit that accepting Nora’s offer to split the land is a total win-win for everyone involved.”

“I think we both know it’s not really what Earl Handy wanted.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. There’s no way of knowing for sure. But you have to agree a compromise makes the most sense.”

Damn it. She didn’t want him to sound so logical. “Makes the most sense for you, you mean.”

“My God, were you always this stubborn?”

“I’ve gotten better with age.”

He stopped walking and turned to face her. “I don’t want to talk business anymore. Here’s the deal. I’m single, and you’re single, and for some insane reason, the universe has thrown the two of us together again.”

“What’s that got to do with—”

He reached out and pulled her against him. Before she could get another word in, he brought his mouth down over hers.

She should pull away. Or better yet, slap him.

But she’d never slapped anyone before and, God, he smelled divine.

She met his tongue, kissing him back with an urgency that stunned her. Everything about the kiss felt completely natural. As if it had been a foregone conclusion before the night had even started.

Then his hands came down to cup her bottom, pressing his erection—

“Oh.” She broke off the kiss and stared at him because, really, where had all that come from? One minute they were discussing Earl Handy’s will and the next they were making out.

“Let’s go back to your place,” he said, his voice warm and husky against her ear.

He’d lost his mind if he thought they were going to pick up where they’d never really left off. She fisted her hands on her hips. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

“That’s what I’m hoping you’ll say afterward, because I can definitely promise you more than a five-minute warm-up.”

Of all the conceited…

She should have slapped him. She should…

Ask him why he never called you.

Her eighteen-year-old self with the bruised ego wanted to know what happened thirteen

years ago, but the woman she was today wouldn’t allow it. Besides, what did it matter anyway? Yes, tonight had been a surprise. He’d made her angry. He’d made her laugh. He’d made her feel things she hadn’t felt in years. Pilar was right. There was definitely chemistry between them. A lot of chemistry. But she would never allow herself to be anyone’s one-night stand. Not ever again.

“Sorry, but you and me? That’s not going to happen.”

“Then why did you kiss me back?” he demanded.

Good question. She said the first thing that came to her mind. “I was just being polite.”

He looked like he was going to laugh. Or possibly even kiss her again. Which, no.